
0.70020450 TRDO0.46680300 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!Congratulations @lightsplasher, you successfuly trended the post shared by @tailah.bayu! @tailah.bayu will receive & @lightsplasher will get

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Thank you, my dear brother, here is another long dry season, there hasn't been rain for several months. The water in the well is starting to dry. , hopefully it will rain, lest we die of thirst, 😁

I hope it rains there soon for you. The weather here has been odd but it has been raining recently.

Hopefully this will be fine,

Ho are youmy good brother

I'm doing fine my friend. Many public gatherings have been cancelled because of the virus but I'm okay. How are things with you?

I am also fine, in our area the virus corona has arrived, is there too ..

IMG20200315154143.jpg@tailah.bayu hujan di sini

Wou, ini sangat Bagus.. @kabil semoga berkah amin...