What if these Zombie movies meet GOD in the flesh?

in #zombie3 years ago


This is all about movies that involve zombie virus where humans go berserk as they have turned into zombies. What if there is a movie that God had enough of this virus? And decides to go down on earth to end this plague cause, if this thing keeps multiplying, humans will eventually come to its extinction. And this follows my theory that involves heaven and hell because if the humans were about to die but suddenly awoke and turned into a zombie. The question is, Where did the human soul go if the body have fully awakened into a zombie? Does it go back to its original body and lost its human emotions due to a virus that affects the brain, especially the Prefrontal Cortex?

Prefrontal Cortex.jpg


Honestly, if this is the case, surely there must be divine intervention at some point, cause this will surely affect the flow of souls that will end up in hell because of this zombie infection that makes them turn into cannibals. Feeding in either human or animal flesh. Making them a pet of Satan that walks freely on Earth creates terror to people.


I challenge the directors to make a movie that involves a divine entity like God or his Angels acting selflessly to help the earth's war against zombies. That's obviously a force under the demon's control. That which coincides with the act of holy war.

That is all for today's blog folks. I rest my case. This is Eldermike signing out.

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