Well, I got officially freaked by my account being hacked. I'm not going to lie. I realize the funds will be returned, but still, it does make one feel vulnerable.
Let's face it, it sucks!
What sucked the most is that my slack account was hacked and the hacker had control of my account. This locked up my app, and when I returned, I saw that the hacker had written "hacked" in a slack text. Way to mind-fuck me!
That fucking freaked me out. I have an overactive imagination as it is, I definitely don't need any more mental stimulation (see zombie make up tutorial pic above.)
Ok, so we are assured that our accounts will be restored, but when I came back today after having communed with wild beautiful horses in nature, I come to find out that a makeup tutorial is now at $30,000. What the fuck is going on?
I rarely vent like this but my world is being turned upside down! This feels fucking weird. I realize rationally that everything will turn back to normal, but seriously, everything is kind of fucked.
And to top it off, one of my bosses, who I write for lives in Turkey. I was about to send off the forms he requested, but the faked coup d'etat coincided with me going to FedEX. I'm not going to send my documents to Turkey now! The country is in turmoil!
So, I think we will be returning to the natural wilds tomorrow where the horses run free. My nerves need to be calmed down! And even though I gave up drinking 7 years ago, I'm definitely getting wasted tomorrow.
Then, when I start up again on Steemit, I think I'm going to begin the phase 2 of my blogging, with a focus on:
Until then, if you're like me and need to find some relaxation and calm within this disruptive, er, fucked up phase, look below to find the calm, soothing wild horses who live freely on the Assateague island. Wild horses. Yes. That's cool.
You certainly didn't do bad for yourself :)
stellabelle, your posts are amazing. Even if you were to get hacked again, I have full faith you'd earn your way back to the top really fast. But I'm crossing my fingers that no one gets hacked anymore.
P.S. Can you read my latest google post on my blog? I expected that article to do better than it has.. I must be doing something wrong. ;(
Yes. Thanks for always being so nice. Means a lot since well you know.... I'll check it out now. Thanks
I would rather look at these horses and am deeply ashamed of myself for my actions at this point :) I apologize from the bottom of my heart!
I'm trying to decipher your brain. Hmmmm... Are you perhaps sincere or maybe being facetious? Do explain. I can't get your tutorial out of my mind. Feed the queen. 👑
Are you back yet? I'm going through stellabelle withdrawl.
yes! yes! I am back! I put the link to my vacation story! THanks for caring.
keep calm and steem, btw horses are awesome !
Zombies are everywhere!!!

what's wrong with makeup tutorials?
She didn't even explain why she thought it was fucked up.
Beautiful Zombie Make Up Idea :D
I'm totally with you that's why I also made a counter make up vide to show to kinda-stupidyness of it all :D You can check it out here :D
#boypower #zombies #horseeatinggrassinthemiddleoftheroad
Check the video at:
Uhm yeah I've seen it already. It's 17 hours old and already up 2k SD, don't you feel that is enough or are you trying to milk it to a maximum?
Sorry @acidyo I tried to get it up next to the Tara one, so I could take a screengrab... But i think it's not going to work as she will drop off within an hour... Sorry for the crosspost :)
And I'm dying. You're hilarious!
Weren't you a model @stellabelle? and you are butthurt for a girl making 33K with a make up tutorial?
Frankly, hypocritical
She is jealous of the attention, leaning somewhere else instead of to her
Hey - that's a ridiculous and rather presumptuous opinion. Stellabelle was excited about steemit being a place for raw stories and people getting real with their struggles and baring all. Or helping others in meaningful ways. Yes, you could say makeup videos are useful for some. But to me this one exploited steemit' s mission and got out of hand. It was supposed to be all about being different from the other platforms. If anyone can rise to the top with unoriginal content that does well already on YouTube, why bring it here to diffuse steem's original mission? It's a bit like pandering to the masses, IMO.
Oh, sorry, I dind't know Stellabelle was excited about steemit being a place for raw stories and people getting real with their struggles .
So according to you, according to her it is ok to make money out of superficial stuff in real life, but not ok on steemit? Oh, I understand
And that depends on what? On what is convenient to her?
I'm gonna follow her cause she is the herder
I thought steemit was a place for freedom, I guess I was wrong
She doesn't have to :)
well 30k for watching a women changing her face is lot of money, i know even people that work for taht amount for a whole year, crazy but i like it
I think she is just freaked out from being hacked.
Your slack got hacked, too? Very weird. Have you gotten that resolved?
First of all Stella, I'm so sorry to hear of your hack, it sounds really horrible and sending you a hacked message is nasty, I imagine it feels like when you've been burgled.
Secondly onto a happier subject; what an awesome island! American never ceases to amaze me and one day soon, I shall visit, outside of the big cities.
Lastly, whilst I know it's a bit WTF??? the makeup tutorial; however she brought something new to Steemit. It was exclusive content, made just for us and that may well attract a whole load of users that would not have otherwise come here.
Anyway, I hope you get your account back soon; we're all rooting for you.
Thanks again for the plagiarism tip-off the other day.
Assateague island is beautiful! I've escaped crazy city life to hang out with the wild horses many times, though one time I did have a shark encounter while surfing by myself out there...
Support me please! https://steemit.com/steem/@acidsun/banners-for-steemit-community
"I come to find out that a makeup tutorial is now at $30,000. What the fuck is going on?
I rarely vent like this but my world is being turned upside down!"
What? Why? What's wrong with make-up tutorials? Its good for steemit to get out there more and reach a wider audiance. 30k for a make-up video is something most people can dream of, this is going to be huge news!
"but the faked coup d'etat coincided with me going to FedEX. I'm not going to send my documents to Turkey now! The country is in turmoil!"
Oh I'm sure the fake 265 dead are gonna be disappointed you weren't able to send your documents to your friend. Use a fax-machine or email like the rest of the world.
I'm sorry but your post quality has gone down lately, the more users join, the better the quality in content will be. Guess its slowly taking effect now.
I feel like every guy on Steemit liked it because the girl was hot in the video. So if your a hot girl on Steemit your chances of making a killing on a dumb post go up a lot.
Sadly, that is not what the founders were hoping for, I'm sure. How debasing - making a "killing" on a dumb post meant for trivial entertainment at best. See, stuff you can see anywhere, in my mind, should not be here. And milking for votes by taking advantage of cleavage is not showing you really care about helping people. It shows you want to appeal to men and know you will get high votes by doing so. With so many new sign ups who see what gets rewarded, quality will be going down. What are the real reasons steem appealed to us in the first place? And what are they now?
Really! I like this
Tomorrow i'm going to some farm, trying to see some wild horses, and I better come back to this comment value to the moon!
Could you explain a little more why you're venting about this?
The hacker didn't actually steal any money correct?
I think so
oh that sucks! How much?
A lot
I'm so glad you got to spend time at such a cool place! It must be great to get out in nature with such magnificent animals.
So sorry to hear you were affected by the steemit issues! Silver lining for all of us, is that this spurred much back end security tightening.
I up voted Tara because I have a family member that also makes makeup tutorials on YouTube. Her video is in the upper left corner of YouTubeStars, and I hope to see her here someday. I think that since no one could post here, the pool of steem that the blockchain creates every hour that goes to posts kept going to existing posts, raising them through the roof.
So much happens around here every day! Never a dull moment! I hope you are well rested soon and I look forward to new posts from you, as always!
Thanks so much!
I'm glad to have a little break since I've been on steemit for 5 weeks. Deranged doesn't even cover it.... I'm better now that Dan told me to continue posting. I wasn't sure if I should sine the hacker still has my acct.
красивая лошадка
Classic @stellabelle... I am still waiting for my account @chitty to be restored.. I agree that it was a total mind fuck getting locked out, in my case I change the keys myself when shit hit the fan and as a precaution steemit locked it.
Just to be clear, we did have a conversation on friday on slack right?.. this was you? hahaha
Make up tutorial about horse? Lol..
Makeup tutorial about horse? Lol
I was laughing about your comments last night on slack chat and now you really damn freaked me out again with that pervert photo ! I have enough of all the make up chats and zombies . I don't have enough cash either to get in troubles with those hothackers . Good to have nothing :) sometimes . Time for a beer on the BaliOHBali Beach . Join me to chill ! This guy is called OGGOH ( OGGOH ) and makes more sense because he gets rid of all bad spirits ....once a year !
haha! that's a funny picture! :D
Hello @stellabelle, I invite you to support my charity event. This is not spam: https://steemit.com/steemit/@jennamarbles/a-new-stage-in-the-development-of-steem-now-we-can-do-more
HEY, we want to read more from you :)
those make up tutorial guys is really lucky
Please, upvote my post if you can
I've spent a half of day writing it and nobody upvotes it( https://steemit.com/steemit/@bitlord/steemit-is-a-secret-conspiracy-and-a-trap
slack if you think I am misbehaving. Please help fighting spam! Upvote this post to strengthen the bot, downvote the parent post if it has positive upvotes.I am a downvote bot. Contact @pharesim at
well this case is laura lemons on speed, without playing victim cards,you see the same thing that was happening with the girl that got raped 17 times and abusing social engineering trick to get up to hundreds of dollars per post, remember @lauralemons? Good, I wonder if a human with a good heart can ever say this? Saddening, why use words to hurt people? I don't even see the humor in it.
no, a human with a good heart would not say this
Cosplaying while doing yoga (~one lambo). :P
Coming soon! Furry aerobics teacher scams crypto community with sad cosplay stories!