A person who devoted his life 2 keep his country free of colonialism n invaders is now on a list dictators....
Mugabe is God
7 years ago in #zimbabwe by royaltynewz (32)
A person who devoted his life 2 keep his country free of colonialism n invaders is now on a list dictators....
Keep his country free from colonialism???????
More like a person, who rose to power through the use of a gun ( Check your facts. There was already a duly elected black government in Zimbabwe for 2 years before Mugabe took over) and then used that same gun to murder his people and subdue them while he lined his pockets and those of his cronies. Hitler is a criminal for his war crimes and Mugabe is 100 times worse, than Hitler ever was, for what he has done to his people.
He might had did some bad things when he was dealing with the Europeans...but when he decided 2 say enough is enough n kick out the white farmers who took over the land from the natives in the country That's when the hate seemed come. Notice...they did the same shhh to Saddam, Kadaffi etc....
Forget about the Europeans. It is what he did to his own people. The tragedy is that a lot of his own people can still not see what he has done to them and follow him blindly. A case of ignorance is bliss.
Fact - He orchestrated the genocide of in excess of 40000 Ndbele.
Fact - He has driven his people and their country into abstract poverty, while sending hundreds of millions in foreign Aid to his and his cronies over seas bank accounts.
Before you start accusing the Europeans of hate, dont forget the with everything that has gone on, Europe has continued to send hundreds of millions in Aid every year knowing it was been stolen by Mugabe and his cronies, but hoping some would get through to the African men, woman and children in the street.
I agree with you that American and European politicians have screwed up completely with the way that they have dealt with Africa, Iraq, Libya etc and I dont know how they can sleep at night. But that does not excuse Mugabe who has done far worse to his own people.
That whole speech was nice but u spoke little bout the European colonization of planet n setting in motion policies using propaganda techniques unimaginable....u can't name a country they colonized that hasn't been hit by turmoil due to their evil n greedy ways....if ur getting ur news from western media then i totally get ya point of view. No disrespect but we've been misinformed on so many levels...stop focusing on what they say he and give him the benefit of the doubt that he didn't do half the shhh he's accused of....in America the F B I is accusing Blacks of terrorists in a memo called B.I.E Black Identity Extremists without a clear explanation of it means....its war our here...n if u only look @ a single battle u will the whole war is all in saying....Out
Your European colonisation theory falls apart when you look at some of the most successful countries in the world today - All ex colonies - America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. And in the case of America and Canada, fought the colonials for their independence.
I dont get my views from Western Media. I am a Zimbabwean and have experienced it first hand. I can assure you Mugabe has done everything he is accused of and more.
As Africans it is time to stop blaming the world for our problems and time to start looking inwards for solutions.
One more thing...Europeans sent aid knowing it was being miss handled...open ya eyes n see 👀 they will play both sides until they get wat they want...u must know this....
What they want to see is Zimbabwe and the rest of Africa successful, with their citizens living under a democratic government that is not corrupt from the top down. As per my earlier post, European politicians have a lot to answer for in what they have done in the past and present. The difference is they can not run rough shod over their citizens. They are corrupt and when they are caught they are thrown in prison. They dont perform they are out of power. The only problem the Western world has is that the good people dont want to be in parliament, they are to busy making an honest living, so their choices when they vote boil down to a bunch of people you wouldnt trust with 5 cents. The difference being that even though they dont want them they are accountable