Hola @magiccleatus, por aquí mi entrada al Zen Colouring Contest #18 como siempre trabaje la pieza con mis programas de preferencia Pixl express y Paint.
Mi color de elección de ser ganadora de esta semana como siempre es el color rosado.
Aquí mi pieza intervenida y con un poco de vida.
I like the originality of leaving the stencil blank and adding features around it. The background colour and Ink spill add a nice touch!
Thanks for supporting the #zencolouringcontest with your entry!
Thanks for naming Pink as the colour you'd pick for next weeks featured colour!
I agree with MC - this is very original =) Well done. I would have at least shown a little of your creative process, to give the post more "oomph" ;P
Please consider checking out and upvoting/commenting on your favourite entries in @magiccleatus's contest - it's important for us to all support each other by manually upvoting and fighting the good fight against the upvoting bid-bot plague.