Zen Colouring Contest #35 - || Infinite Recapitulation

Hello everyone again in another week of #zencolouringcontest, This week I love the color of shadows suggested, turquoise is one of my favorite colors, that's why I focus the figure in shades of this color and only including slightly the black in a part of the flower, to make emphasis.

As you can see, this is a figure of recapitulation of the infinite, so one side is something opposite or oblique to the other, the shadows are on both sides but in different ways. As I already told you, use only turquoise shades for the figures showing the different shades, which becomes quite noticeable in any part of the drawing and especially in the flower. On the edge add a translucent shade of turquoise blue that is slightly detailed, but highlights the edge of the drawing without showing it white.

Regarding the background, I decided to place an explosion of colors between roses, blues, violet, green, and a little yellow. I decided to do this, because in view of the fact that the fiura was already quite turquoise, it was a way to make it notice more. In addition, the figure enlarges it so that it embraces almost the entire sheet, darkening it a little in order to notice more the contrast with the shadows; and at the bottom add more luminosity to play a little with light in the background, and darkness in the figure.


I hope you like it, thank you very much for reading my post, and see my drawing!

For next week I follow the shadows vinotintos.


I love the monochrome of turquoise used to fill the stencil. The darker shades are positioned in a clever way that accentuates the shapes of the design. I also like the turquoise translucent glow that emits around the pattern. The explosion of colour in the background works really well to contrast the shades of turquoise in the stencil!

Thank you for your participation and support to the #zencolouringcontest!


Thanks for naming Wine Red! as your suggestion for next weeks featured colour!

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