Les Brown Must Have Been Talking to Steemers . . .

in #zen8 years ago

“Align yourself with people that you can learn from,
people who want more out of life,
people who are stretching and searching
and seeking some higher ground in life.”
~ Les Brown ~ 

When your emotional center is not in harmony with what is happening around you, it can be difficult to learn, grow, stretch and seek new experiences.

What happens when your inner and outer world don't align?    
It's like driving on the wrong side of the freeway.    
It leaves you feeling helpless and dis-empowered.    

When you pause . . . . you can reset your course and allow the inner and outer world come back into harmony. Life is a lot easier when you are centered and and aligned with seekers of truth.

  5 things to consider:

 1. There is a right and wrong time for everything. Knowing when the right time is when you are feeling centered and focused. Think before you speak.

2. If other people around you make you uncomfortable, this may be a time for you to realize it's time to try something different. Maybe it's time to clean house and make some new friends. Take some time to be alone and meditate.

3. Everything you need is within you. Sometimes it takes time for the answers to come to the surface. Be patient with yourself.

4. Sleep on it. Live with your choices and decisions for a day or so before sharing it with those around you. When you act in haste, you are setting up roadblocks for your development and inner nourishment.

5. Ask for support from the people who can help you. Don’t shut yourself off. They are the gift to help you grow.  Seek out people you can learn from and grow with to seek higher ground. The view is amazing from there!

From the writings of  JourneyOf JOY.info


Love Les Brown! So many wise words. Love your post! I completely agree aligning is important. I feel my problem is staying in that place. I'm very emphatic, and even more so since I have been studying vibration and such. I can work all day staying in high vibration, and can be knocked down very quickly by someone in a poor mood. I am trying to remind myself their feelings are not mine and to let them go, but I am better at saying it then accomplishing it so far. Lol

You are so right .... it is hard to stay in that state. It takes a lot of work. And yes ..... their actions and thoughts (and moods) are not yours. How they are behaving is coming from within them and relates back to some drama, trauma or incident of the past that they are continuing to play out. It's only how YOU interrupt it and what you tell yourself from their actions and behavior. Are you familiar with Panache Desai? Google him . Enlightening!

Thanks for your words. I have not heard of him but am definetly going to check him out. Thanks!

He puts everything into simple, down-to-earth perspective.