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RE: Join October's Marketing Campaign! | $5,000 Prize Pool

in #zealylast year

Seriously I don't meant being seen as a type of person who isn't grateful.

Here am yet to understand what last Raffle ticket , during Leofinance Zealy Quest . That , that was meant for Hive Fest ticket giveaway. Seen Hive Fest later finished there's no update as per what those Raffle ticket meant to represent .

Seen Hive to me is more bigger than such .

During the campaign I put in my best , and am using Techno Pob3 my phone after that campaign might be due to the greases or slight sweat from my finger tips on the screen due to long hour post write up. Now my phone have been developed fault am managing along. My health state so if am desiring to know more about what such said Raffle ticket meant for and why it didn't served it is not my fault.

Only that I spent long hour to have my post write up and I finished one of the adventure .

Please I will truly appreciate to be guided.