So some of you may have heard of the upcoming Z Cash cryptocurrency and platform that's about to launch on Friday October 28th. While Z Cash looks like a promising investment you may have missed the launch of the ICONOMI ICN cypto-token which hit exchanges just a few days ago.
Whether Z Cash is the next Bitcoin or Ethereum is still yet to be seen but what you should know is that if you're investing in cryptocurrency it shouldn't matter if Z Cash succeeds, well not that much anyway. Why? Because if you hold ICONOMI ICN tokens then you mitigate the risk.
But with the crypto world's volatility how do you choose a good one? It can be a tough decision to buy into any of these coins knowing that at any moment they could plummet, along with your hard earned money, into the pits of no return. No matter how reputable the coin there's always a very high risk.There are over 300 Cryptocurrency options out there for investors which include value stores like Bitcoin or platform uses like Ethereum and Lisk.
You see it's this fear of making a bad investment that will soon drive ICONOMI's ICN tokens to a price much higher than the .14 cents it's currently trading at. ICONOMI is the first cryptocurrency platform that will hedge a pool of cryptocurrencies into an index fund that investor's can take advantage of.
ICONOMI has experts that are doing all the hard research about which coins to hold and which to sell, and if you're a crypto-expert you can open your own hedge fund through the ICONOMI platform and gain investors through your results.
With ICONOMI it doesn't matter if one coin does bad because you're investment is hedged with other outstanding cryptocurrencies. When you smartly purchase ICN you're not investing in just one coin but a selected group of high performing coins.
So if you decide to buy into Z Cash it may do well but it will never protect you from it's own volatile nature which all cryptocurrencies are known to have. The wiser, safer, choice would be to invest in ICN which will no doubt soon be including Z Cash into its basket of high performing coins.
As a crypto amateur I'm not willing to risk my hard earned money that I work for by guessing on one coin, but I have faith in the ICONOMI model which is much like the well performing traditional hedge funds that my 401k is invested in. Because of ICONOMI's well thought out, intelligent approach I will be trusting ICN tokens with my hard earned money.
I would advise anyone else that doesn't consider themselves a crypto-expert to follow my lead by investing smarter not harder. I've lost money buying into the next big coin before but with Iconomi's approach I don't ever have to worry about that again. With the cryptocurrency world gaining billions and billions more value year after year it's hard to see a scenario where ICONOMI is not soon the highest valued company within the cryptocurrency space.
For more info on Iconomi visit,
*Disclaimer: I'm a small investor in Bitcoin, Ethereum, Lisk and soon to be Z Cash. I'm a large investor in Iconomi (For reasons stated above)
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Great thread. Interesting to see I'm not the only one that is thinking about this. No matter how populair a coin is. People should always do a proper background check. It surprises me how many coins are out there that don't have their basics right. I found this amazing platform: The site is my go to place for crypto investment analaysis and indepth coin research. Check for example: For the Zcash Analysis