Downtime off and on Today 2/23/2018

in #zappl7 years ago

Zappl will experience multiple down time's today, Were implementing a report system to allow people to report stolen images, spam, and so on. Please bear with us as we make these updates. #zappl #steem #UPDATES


Are you going to do a post about your policy regarding images. When would you consider a image to be stolen? Only when the author claims ownership or when a source to the original author is missing?

There is no way to source images we don't allow markdown. Also yes there will be a post about it. Apple is forcing us to comply with these standards as well. This allows people to report child porn or revenge porn.

This will have an effect on posts that zappl up votes as well, people can report stolen work and that would allow. But our official stance on memes is their public works of art meant to become famous so they can't be stolen. It will give us a list of abusers and spammers. Zappl is taking reward pool abuse very serious.

The stolen image is sometimes edited or updated completely so it no longer shows that it is a stolen image, so is it going to be a problem too ??

There is also a picture taken in a position that is exactly the same as the original image, is it also considered as a stolen image that makes it problematic ...?

Thank you

maybe I will make postings wise, why should be stolen, and why is the source can be lost.

hopefully we are all present in this zappl no one adopted the stolen image .. advance zappl

Apakah ada ketentuan khusus jika photo itu curian?
Atau bagaimana caranya untuk melampirkan sumber aslinya

You must look my post

Thank you for the information

a very good post
I want to use zappl, but often error when I use, please explain it
iam @nadiasteem

please explain the master, I want to use zappl, but often error when I use (as shown above). what is the problem and how to fix it in order to use

thanks information

If zappl get spam what sanctions for those who do it

How can l received invite from zappl?

You already have an account if you have a steemit account. We share the same user pool.

Okay @zappl, were definitely waiting

That is good in a way. It will be helpful for the creative content writers.

the spirit continues zappl, hopefully smoothly continue the application zappl

yes thank you @zappl I really agree your words

Thank you for the information.

Thats very great idea , we are waiting ...

I have posts many times in Zappl, but I didn't get your vote, would you like to explain me what conditions of a zappl post needed?

Zappl isnt always reward everything. Being active, up voting and actively commenting on posts in a non spammer manner is a way to gain votes more often. Also all posts must be made on or our app.

Oh I see, I try to be active in zappl. Thanks for your response

Thank you

okay i understand zappl problem nowadays, i will wait for its repair, it is not a serious problem for us

good great work zappl

Okey. Thanks you for information

Thanks for this usefull announcement, i will report the stolen images or spam

Makasih zappl


I can not post in zappl because of bad internet connection.If you can make to post in zappl with bad internet connection.I can use zappl.

postingan yang padat dan membutuhkan waktu untuk saya pelajari lebih dalam.

Thanks post

ok no worries thanks for the update

Nice post for you zappl i like post, thank for you zappl.

That is great inovation and i feel anybody will be get the risk.
I was looked in a few days that the people not posting on his own. I so disapointed if that is will be repeat. Good job (if you really to realize all)
#zappl #steemit #good job

how do we know if the photo was spam or stolen

Let's me check up lady.

thank @zappl i always support you

Hi, Is there an issue with Zappl app, today? I can use the website, but not app (Android)

Good post