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RE: Yes there is a secret alpha!

in #zappl8 years ago

I have no idea why this is a fight.
I don't want to invest 12k without more info.. So,.. I didn't.
I don't want to sign an NDA so I didn't...

Matt's questions are valid, the tone is hostile.. for reasons I don't understand.
The responses are vague and rude for reasons I don't understand.

Invest at will.. Buyer Beware. That is why they call it investing and not earning. It is risky.


My tone isn't hostile at all. I got a bit pressing and direct after having my questions/concerns ignored for a couple of months, but that was in order to garner a response, which worked. No hard feelings on my part at all. I want to see awesome stuff happen, it's good for everyone.

Hmm, maybe I read into it a bit. I am glad you got a response. I wasn't overly worried about it.