If they did the same thing with the credit card purchases at the mall or other expenditures, then I might buy into that.
However, it is with cryptos that they are suddenly "concerned" about their customers.
Sorry but with the banks, I dont buy it. They could care less about people being able to pay their bills...the banks have repeatedly proved that.
I feel this is just another attack by the banksters in an effort to protect their turf. If people starting getting involved in crypto, they might find they do not need the banks anymore (or at least they need then less).
Yes, I haven't ruled out this scenario. It is very timely planned as I have also written. Well, it will be an interesting day on the 6th.
Yes many are saying the 6th could really be the start of the bull run if they come up with something sensible.
If they go overboard, could really push things lower.
I am very curious to see what they have prepared. As you know I am trying to be realistic and my aim is to see examine every angle. These guys giving me hard time for just mentioning a different point of view - lol.
My debit card and my credit card (two different institutions) now both don’t work at Coinbase.
So I could use either to buy alcohol and tobacco to my heart’s content, but not crypto. Which is dangerous to me and which is dangerous to the banksters?
Hmmm, it seems your best welfare isnt at the top of their list.