Less Than 20 Hours Until Another Manna Distribution!!!

in #zappl7 years ago (edited)

It is almost that time again. We are getting near the Thursday morning distribution. Be sure to sign up if you havent and if you did, send out your referral..basic income=free tokens https://www.mannabase.com/?ref=fbt5zz3bfh


Awesome! Once again, thank you for being a part of what could very well be life changing for a lot of people. My heart is hoping that is the case for sure!

And I read the comments below to see how I can check if anyone's taken me up on it; I'll do that tomorrow. finger's crossed :)

Thank you, thank you I had never heard of this, and this kind of project is exactly why I'm in crypto!!! <3 <3

I'm ready for the next distribution. I've been using my sign up link on all my posts. As of this morning, I don't think anybody has used it for free Manna. At least I know mine will be coming in the morning. 😎

Go to your mannabase page...go to the dashboard and you will be able to see how many, if any, used the link and signed up under your code.

Cool, I'll check it out. Thanks

I'm waiting for next distribution. They gave me around 36 manna last week, I hope they will give more this week.

I would venture to say it most likely will be less since the number of people signing up, I presume, is increasing each week.

Do you think they will give more in future? Because I don't think 36 Manna will be enough for people for basic income. But I think manna price will increase as well. So we will see together I think. By the way this is my 1000th post lol.

The idea is to just give people a currency to help them facilitate trade without manipulation of a middle man. The number of any said currency doesn't matter in that case, what matters is people have something to use just like why currency was invented in the first place, just to have a common thing to keep track against.

Congrats on the 1,000th post....good deal on that...this site needs people to comment in large quantity.

I dont think the amount of Manna will increase to each person...the idea is that the value of the token compared to fiat increases. At this point, none of the tokens can go in or out of the wallet (other than what is distributed each week). That will be resolved by the end of the month from what I was told (it is the goal).

Cryptos in general are beat up at this point...but down the road, as more people sign up and more wallets are out there, at some point the network effect takes off.

I would suggest using your referral link to get yourself in the bonus pool by referring friends and family. This will net you some extra tokens each week for the period of a year.

Thank you for reply. I think mannabase is open to development. They will add more pages soon. I have only 1 reference at this point, but maybe I can get more references in future.

I have on question about manna: the drops are for everyone?

I registered my account this week and I still have nothing :P

Make sure to set up your wallet and then sign up for your basic income.

Two different steps.

I don't understand , two steps. If I am in my dashboard and it shows my wallet it 0 , Ive done that part but what do I have to do differently to sign up for basic income? I have a bunch of people I'm helping so I don't want to screw anyone up 0_0

On your dashboard, on the right side, there will be a green button that says "sign me up". This is the next step. You'll know you've signed up all the way if you've been asked for your home address and phone number. I think this info is for unique identification purposes. If you've done that, you're good. Just wait another 8 hours I think, and you'll get your first payout. If you haven't, look for the green "sign me up" button on the right side of the dashboard.

I think I did that stuff. Like I said, I will wait :)

Thanks for your comment @metzli ^^

Yes tokens are for everyone. Tokens are distributed on Thursday morning US EST.

Did you verify your account and are you able to get into your dashboard?

Yes, I did that stuff when I created the account. :) If the tokens are distributed tomorrow, I will wait :)

Thank you! :D

A week goes by almost too fast!


Awesome. I'll be watching my email

good post follow me man

Voye and resteemit done dear

I'm not in on Manna, but I know this is a really exciting time for everyone that is!

Follow the link in @taskmaster4450's post and you'll get those tokens weekly for free.

The idea is Universal Basic Income for everyone and yes, everyone includes you too :)

The idea is Universal Basic Income for everyone and yes, everyone includes you too :)

Amazing that people do not grasp that simple point.

I guess people feel free money has to be a scam....probably because it was always the case in the bankster run world.

It's a whole new world, so let's be patient with the ones that need a little extra time to get used to the changes.

I feel there's still a lot of skeptism about the abundance for everyone theme.

Fair enough.

Good point.

Hi @taskmaster4450, can I exchange manna for other cryptocurrencies?

Not yet, but that's coming. Right now, just receiving AFAIK

Not from the wallet on mannabase as of yet...it is going through final security before they allow tokens to be sent out.

But manna is traded on southexchange...it is a publicly traded token...so yes you can trade it for other currencies.

Yes, I'm waiting for this moment. last week registered

Excelent post right when I wanted to drop another off-topic comment. I noticed today that gaming tag has managed to drop it self to 5th biggest tag in D.tube. I also have had problems with about every other video I try to watch after the update. I thought this could be intresting info to a some degree so dropped it here.

Just to clarify , because I keep telling everybody this but I am still new : once you make the account the drop happens automatically correct? You don't have to do anything at a certain time?

Having some issues getting my account password reset, I've been trying to get this going for a little while, I'll email them

great zapple
keep it up

Thanks, I signed up using your referral link. Is manna trading on an exchange yet?

I've searched my mailbox and I haven't got any confirmation email, just emails notifying me about the wallet and last distribution :(

I dont think they send out email confirmations....I didnt get one either.

You have to log into your dashboard...

Did you get the distribution last week?

I finally figured out what I had to do. I completed my sign up process.
I was expecting an email telling me that I can do that, kind of a fail on their part to be honest.
Thank you for the advice :)
And I didn't get the last distribution.