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RE: Yes there is a secret alpha!

in #zappl8 years ago (edited)

Defamation of character isn't petty. You need to provide evidence of what you are accusing the team of and the members who are actually supporting it of doing. This at the very least you can do. You are the top comment on numerous posts making this "scam" claim.


TBH, doesn't seem like there's much of an attempt at "defamation of character" on @matt-a part.. he's asking questions and advising about the risk because of those unanswered questions. I'll look over this again

I'm not claiming scam. I said that I'm getting that impression without my concerns being addressed. I'm not trying to trash y'all. I'm just pressing for info. You guys are taking this out of context. I'm hassling to get info. I've consistently inquired for a few months now and my inquiries have been overlooked. I want to be able to speak highly of you guys and see good dev work, but no one can really do that without knowing who's behind the scenes and what they're capable of.

It's one thing to disagree w/ what answers are being given to you , or ask questions (I'm all for it ) ,but you are wading into areas that just aren't good for the community to be doing. I'm sorry, you did make the accusation you made in the comment above me!

I said until my concerns are remedied, that I'm smelling scam.

You can, and should retract it. You can say, you disagree , or feel there isn't enough information regarding a project in your opinion you aren't invested in and leave it at that ,but there are a lot of people like TheDengenSloth, who are actually working toward making the SteemIt eco-system a place for people to thrive in and use. Where do your accusations get you and this community ? It only damages it. You know better because you are smart, crypto enthusiasts who is here at SteemIt. You know in this crypto-world crying "scam" w/out any evidence of a scam is taken very seriously. You can see our point of view, yes?

I'm not retracting anything. My concerns are legitimate.

My "accusations," are QUESTIONS. Questions that remain unanswered that make me extremely skeptical especially when millions of dollars are involved.

Again, I am not crying scam. I said that this is sketching me out and is smelling a bit scammy (it DOES) because nobody knows anything whatsoever about who is developing this self-proclaimed $12 Million dollar business venture that is asking THIS very community for millions of dollars.

I'm practically begging to have my concerns remedied which can be done with ease, but Zappl refuses to fill me in on what their dev team is capable of. As I've said many times now, I want this project to be killer. I want to have faith in it. I was very seriously considering a large investment. You can't NOT expect people to take you with a grain of salt if they don't know who's behind the curtains . . .

Good luck to you guys, hopefully you'll work with your dev team to come out of the woodwork, instill trust in your potential investors, and get fully funded.

Despite the actions of one of these people involved in zapple.. I've been excited about the project they are developing.. a better version of @picokernel (nate) original idea... this defamation of character or whatever is what puzzles me.. maybe we can figure a resolution and/ or a better explanation.. this is news to me so I'm not entirely sure what to think about all this. The personal attacks and attacks on credibility isn't necessary from anyone.

There's no defamation of character, personal attacks, or anything of the sort. Anyone claiming that is just being silly, they probably got emotional/defensive, projects are people's "babies," so to speak. I don't hold anything against these dudes for getting mad at me for pressing them. They've most likely cooled off by now and are like "Ok, this isn't such a big deal." Stress is a bitch!

I think that the reason that, that is being perceived is due to the defensive nature of the replies. I'm not attacking. I'm inquiring. Nothing more, nothing less. All's good!

Trust me, I understand completely, I don't believe your doing any of that... I'm only trying to keep this from getting worst. They shouldn't get defensive about any of your concerns and if they do.. they should refrain from trying to make you seem like a bad guy.

I have access to the Alpha release. It is awesome. A few things that need some polishing but nothing major.

Great work @zappl, @matt-a (give it a rest). It is always good to be sceptical, but today I will have a glass of champagne for a job well done (so far).

Hurray & Champagne
Steem On & Expand

I have access to it as well now. It's certainly a work in progress and definitely needs work, but that is the nature of alpha. "Rome wasn't built in a day."

Skepticism, vital questions and direct inquiries shouldn't be taken as hostile attacks, but perceived as opportunities to respond and elaborate publicly that ultimately help your venture. I wasn't expecting the reaction that I got.

I wish these dudes the best and I hope that they destroy Twitter in the end. Their success is our success. I enjoy asking the hard questions, it's important to ask them :-).

This warms my heart hearing and thank you to @zappl team for coming out with some info. The better we get along, the better we go along... and so on.