When you do good to only those that deserve it, then it is not called "love". The beauty of love is in "sacrifices" which are meant to be unconditional. Your love must apply to all; or none. Love one, love all. Sammy loves you all.

When you do good to only those that deserve it, then it is not called "love". The beauty of love is in "sacrifices" which are meant to be unconditional. Your love must apply to all; or none. Love one, love all. Sammy loves you all.
Really a sincere food for taught word for all of us. Is quite sure that love flows without sentiment and love is more of nature. Thanks @samminator for this great quote
You're correct. Love should flow without sentiment.
Thanks for coming around
I love Dee Sammy too....😁😁
Awww. Thanks a lot
Love I believe is a choice and not really a thing of feeling. You choice to love despite the way you feel or think of a person.Very true @samminator..
Well said. Thanks a lot