Seein the hut like this, I initially immediately imagine being in the Maldives. It is a favorite tourist destination of the world's artists. But the picture is in Lhok Seudu, Aceh Besar, Aceh Province.

Seein the hut like this, I initially immediately imagine being in the Maldives. It is a favorite tourist destination of the world's artists. But the picture is in Lhok Seudu, Aceh Besar, Aceh Province.
Tempat yang indah untuk dikunjungi
iya, terima kasih bang, sudah berkunjung..
Lhokseudu aceh
sungguh sangat indah
semuanya karunia Allah yang wajib dijaga..
Nice post
thank u...
beautiful beach
thank u...
I like the thatched roofs. nice photo.
thank u...
Pesona alam yang sangat indah.
Semuanya karunia Allah yang wajib dijaga..
Beautiful scenery ,,
The atmosphere of the cottage on the water will provide extraordinary comfort.
Will make the mind so fress,,,
Yes, I think so ...
Lagak, kami juga sudah pernah ke sana
Lagak that
terima kasih cek
Bereh that nyoe. Benar benar seperti di luar negeri, meseu hana keterangan foto, ka terkecoh. Hawa syit tajak sigoe keunan
Nyoe di, cukup pas tajak keunan sigoe.. cukup lagak cuma perle tajok ide dalam penataan beu lagak lom, hehhee
salam olaharaga