today in school we started a fresh new chapter,
It’s about Nutrition and Metabolism.
But one thing I like about the class is it gets interesting and
deep which helps me to enjoy what I’m learning.
metabolism, catabolism and anabolism is.
I hope I didn’t loose you at catabolism...
because I was lost during class,
but don’t worry!
Some way some how I still understood it and you can too!
Now let’s get to “breaking it down” lol
(you’ll get the pun later).
that are ingested and taken/absorbed
into the body.
as energy sources and as building blocks for our own molecules...
whaaaat, wowzers! (yes that was my initial reaction)
releasing their stored energy
(do you get the
(I’m not going to lie..I would of too.)
Finally, Anabolism builds food molecules
into complex substances.
Now that this stuff is “broken down”
it’s not all that hard.
When time is spent learning things
that is foreign to the mind we can learn
some interesting stuff!
Did you learn anything new?
Was it fascinating?
Please let me know in the comment section!