Your Environment and Circle of Friends Influence Who You Become

in #zappl6 years ago


The environment where you find yourself and the kind of people you associate with, determines how well you grow, how fast you advance, and the altitude where you get to in life.

You want to be rich and wealthy, then link up with those who are already there because they might have some great "becoming rich" ideas to share with you;

You want to become a successful business person, then hookup with those who are already excelling in it.

Anyone who has nothing positive, educative or important to add to your life and to enhance your vision or success is automatically unqualified to be associated to you.

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Well said dear. Both the environment and friends play a major influence in our lives.
That's why we need to choose wisely.

You sure said it all ..the best way to grow is to associate your self with people who had already gone through the process and at the same tine concentrate yourself in the environment that is in line with your dream ..

Well said bro, we should only allow the energies that are line with our goals to remain in our lives, mainly because our minds can get influenced and one can easily receive wrong vibrations and energy if not careful, then it basically leads to lost of Focus

You got it right. If we want to deepen our knowledge and be smart let us surround ourselves with smart people. If we don't want to be astrayed stay away from bad influence.