Wow that's some very impressive stuff! You mentioned on the stream that the reason there was Steem stuff on there was because Zappl is in development, but will there be a way to view and post full length articles from steemit on Zappl too? Or will it be short form only? I ask because the current ESTEEM app is borderline unusable so having an alternative would be great! And will Zappl posts also be posted on Steem? Because I can imagine that could get irritating on steem having everything be cluttered up by short form updates.
Either way I'm pumped for Zappl you are doing awesome work.
Zappl only plans to show posts made on zappl that current data is shown by example or posts will be between 210-250 characters long.
Will posts on Zappl also show up on steemit?
yes they will but steemit posts won't show on zappl
Okay cool, sounds great!