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RE: No Daily Posting Limits On Zappl

in #zappl7 years ago

I have noticed that now when I post on the web from Zappl that I can no longer add my own title. The title of my post is now Zappl Post plus a bunch of numbers. What happend and will this be fixed?


This is on purpose the site and apps don't show titles so there is no need to have one. For now on they will be auto generated.

hmmm. The problem for me is that it used to allow for a title and it would appear on my steemit blog properly. No it just shows the auto generated one on my steemit blog. I was using zappl to post almost exclusively and it was perfect. Now I don't think I can use zappl anymore because of how it messes up my steemit blog. I will have to go back to posting on Busy. The title is the most important part of any post. I understand what you have done but I dont think it is good considering that all of our Zappl posts show up on our steemit blogs. Also, the titles of our steemit blog posts are indexed in Google which is a really important thing for anyone using steemit to brand their business. Has anyone else had an issue with this? I'm really bummed because Zappl was a total gamechanger the way it was originally set up.