There's a massive amount of unique original writing, art and investigative journalism that steemians have poured their heart into, and its often undervalued .
Why should we focus on rewarding short untagged posts and memes instead?
First/Last zapp
Posted with the fancy new steemit instead after zappl failed silently a few times in a row..

The Steem blockchain should probably try to attract as much different people as possible. Maybe Trump likes Zapple?
If Trump got on Zapple people would upvote him and others would flag him. He might even start Tweeting his Zapple approval ratings and Rep score which would put Steem under an international spotlight. Imagine the press we would get. LOL!!!
It's a valid debate/discussion to have. My view would be that the more people we get to use the platform, the more inherent value the platform will have. A lot of users aren't the type that will read/write long blog posts. Some people like to tweet, meme, etc. zappl is another way to draw a different audience into the platform. Maybe someone's viral zappl meme may be what draws a huge crowd of people in, and we end up getting more zapple users, bloggers, readers, etc..
The end goal that we would be aiming for is that a larger number of users using the platform (however they are using it) will translate into more value for the token. This would lead to more money for the people who are adding value to the platform/community - which includes bloggers.
Obviously it is not a guarantee, and there is a flip-side to the argument, but right now I am leaning towards it being more of a good thing than bad.
My post is way more negative sounding then it was intended, I am glad to see more options available for people to interact with steem in whatever way they're most efficient/comfortable ..
I just hope it doesn't become the main trending content, it could discourage people from putting in the extra time and effort to write longer form content and just hope for that viral meme instead.
At some point, UIs like Steemit could start to filter out content based on some type of meta data. Not sure if it will go there, but it is technically an option.
makes sense.
Posts < 300 characters hidden on Steemit
Posts > 300 character hidden on Zappl
first though we need to see if Zappl even works on the Steem far the perfomance and functionality is not even close to acceptable. And Steem as a whole seems to be struggling....when are the updates to the steem blockchain coming?
The @steemitblog account has posted some info recently.
I agree with you, and I didn't interpret your post as negative in tone until I read this comment and then "why should we focus" seemed more of a challenge to zappl.
I too feel that when apps facilitating point-n-click or tap-2-post enter the fray that it will dilute and discourage the contrib pool, but it may even serve to strengthen existing communities (like MSP or Steemit Biz Intel) and foster formation of new ones.
I think it may happen one day, and I'm not looking forward to the potential deluge of million-clicks-per-day pinterest style submissions of random stuph on internet street. Go to pinterest if you want to do that, or the dozens of similar services.
"Welcome to our ool. You'll notice there's no P in it, please keep it that way."
@zappl is upon us at the moment, I am sure so many Steemians will take advantage of the short message that could be posted on Zappl to become active on Steemit. It is a pro and con but I hope the pro is more than the con so it becomes a successful additional application running on the Steem blockchain.
I believe Zappl will open the door for lots of spammy like content to flood the blockchain just in the name of reward.
I believe we will see people using Zappl to post more than 10 - 20 times daily. On twitter, there plenty tweeple that tweets more than 10 times daily.
Will that be allowed on Zappl? I believe there should be a way to restrict people using the Dapp fro posting more than 2 - 4 times daily.
It will be up to the stakeholders to decide what to reward.
Lets consider the fact that most stakeholders placed authors on autovote. Will this end the madness of autovote bot that is killing this community than help build it?
I like the idea @trafalgar / @traf had in making a seperate account for regular short form content, and not exploiting the pre established curation trail . Bots have a place here too, I just wish they didn't influence things as much as they do..
I like the idea of having a separate account for Zappl, but most authors might not know they are being auto-voted for which will be a big headache for the curation trail as their voting power will drain s fast. What do you think?
I feel like as time goes on and the currency becomes more distributed, that some of these problems will start to dissipate.
Do we really want a huge crowd on here who will just post spammy, facebook-like, unoriginal junk, turning what is a niche platform into just another mainstream spamfest where you can make a few bucks?
I'm all for growing the platform, but not to the extent of reducing it to just another social media rubbish tip. A lot of people came here to get away from that.
I think once they roll out communities, there will be a place for everyone. Personally, I still like a good cat meme once and a while :)
I hear you on that. It just can't get all mushed up together. There needs to be a better way to filter out things (other than tags).

I think the filter idea is the best place to start (at least in the suggestions I've read so far). I agree I don't mind memes and tweets and think they will have a place on steemit, just don't want it clogging up my feed.
I only follow a few people because I don't like having to scroll through junk to find great posts. I've developed a habit of following slowly, but unfollowing spammers quickly.
What would be the flip side of this argument?
In short - the people who do quick/easy posts take rewards away from the people that are putting a lot of time and effort to create quality posts.
On another somewhat but not really entirely related topic, I find it ironic when quality art posts or thoughtfully composed prose pieces more often than not garner little attention, while a post consisting entirely of some young girl taking pouty selfies is a veritable cash cow. This is the world we live in my friend, like it or not
I feel with zappl many original authors like myself will start feeling discouraged when we will see one sentence/meme just earning 10 times more reward than our well thought long written original post which is bringing value to the platform.
Well bringing value was/is the key to success on steemit, hope this does not change!
@timcliff has a sound argument. Though steemians are the heavyweight lifters of the Steem blockchain, but it is highly necessary for Steem to grow into a multi-visioned token. Many colors of people, with exceedingly great diversity and interest. That way, Steem will Steam Up. But @ausbitbank is also right, therefore I believe more value would still go to the traditional content creators on steemit
@ausbitbank, @timcliff and @kryptocoin - as an English teacher, I value all forms of expression. Therefore, people can upvote their appreciation of what they like, but if it's not posted - no-one sees it. All appreciation is subjective. I welcome it all - don't judge - but equally, I know what I enjoy and can filter what I choose to view and/or read and savour. I can appreciate a photograph with few words as equally as I appreciate and enjoy a lengthy well-written article on a serious matter. One person's trash is another person's treasure. Vive la difference.
Thank you @katyclark you just nailed it. Speaking of the English writing world, I personally prefer poetry(short) than prose(long), you are so right.
Agreed :) and we can find it all on Steem....a multi-faceted social media platform. It's a modern cave wall to hand down.
I totally agree. I put in so much effort in creating a nice blog with my wildlife photos, my thoughts, good artwork created by me and it takes hours. It is very disappointing to see very little upvotes when others, with a meme will end up getting $100 on zappl etc.!!@ausbitbank -
The new Steemit UI is awesome and also now seems to work properly.
I am a die hard Steemit supporter and have put in all my earnings from posts in power ups. I will always support Steemit improvement. I am donating to people setting up nodes for improved Steemit experience and will keep on doing so.
Thank you for all the support you provide to Steemit and Minnows. Upvoted full

Hopefully someone will put SMT to good use for us photographers ;)
I hope so too. Don't know how though
Sorry for the double reply. I only hit post once. I do not know why it appeared twice. I am not getting an option to delete it either. Guess the new UI still has some bugs
I'm all for different UIs for different content all pointing at the Steem blockchain.
Can't get Zappl to work so I can't comment on it. All I get is an empty timeline :/
What you mean "untagged" posts? without Tags micro-blogging would be pointless. Surely they will gets Tags to work at some point.
Regarding short posts/long posts....I only value and upvote information that I find useful/entertaining...not the effort.
I was a big Twitter user before the censorship started.
If on Twitter you only saw pointless posts/memes in your timeline you were following the wrong people or not using it correctly. I personally found a ton of valuable and worthy info on twitter...infact I had to reopen a twitter account recently just to keep updated on some critical info.
I'm very excited about Zappl and hope it can replace it.
Time is money...generally I prefer a post that gets straight to the point.
I plan to use Zappl (when it works properly) as main social media and Steemit just as Blogspot/Medium equivalent.
On Twitter you often get a link to a blog attached to a post...I think many Zappl posts will link to Steemit posts for further reading. A good synergy.
What people find valuable is subjective but I doubt in the long term mindless posts and overused memes will be raking in much rewards.
Even on twitter memes get old fast...and to get a meme trending you need to come up with something very creative these days.
Actually for memes I think there is even a Steem specialized app: Dmania...personally I never use it as I'm not into memes myself.
Steemit, Zappl, Steepshot, Dtube. DSound, Dmania etc we got all tastes covered...only problem most of them are not working properly.
That's the main issue with the Steem ecosystem so far: the apps ain't good enough or are facing major technical difficulties.
I think we should widen our attitude when it comes to steemit. I use it the same way I would use Instagram/twitter and all others. I would welcome it if steemit was a home for all kinds of creators
I really like the look and idea of it. But... I have the same reservations. I can see an explosion of zaps reaping huge rewards from the pool and not always by merit of their content
If they are taking the rewards, then that is presumably already deemed by the masses to be desirable content, no?
Ah, perhaps you haven't been here for long? Whilst ideally the rewards should be decided by the masses and their voting, there have been and will be bad actors who have a reasonable amount of SP who have voted up their own posts or in concert with others to simply remove rewards. This being nothing to do with general approval. Usually the posts in question are poor. Think two words kind of thing
You will see ;0)
I think you make a very good point @ausbitbank. I will take your advice and not upvote you on this post.
I love the use of the "discussion" tag here. More importantly, I love the use of a gif from one of my favorite Simpsons episode ever.
I hope there is some good discussion on the topic. I can honestly see both sides of the issue. Personally I prefer longer content... but if short "zaps" can help bring in more people, that could also help support longer posts.
My question is: Will Zap type content help raise all ships?
I don't have an answer but look forward to hearing what others think.
Personally I don't want my feed nor my blog filled with random lines of nothing so I will not use and mute accounts that over use it since I am unable to filter it.
On top of this, the reward system for low creative investment content should scale appropriately or soon the entire pool will be drained by low quality 'tweets' and content creators will be drowned.
Stakeholders decide rewards but bots vote blindly plus the tl:dr mentality will mean people will spend more time consuming useless short form.
Perhaps this kind of content should have a dedicated and very limited pool pass such as a couple percent of the total pool. This is not my area though so I an not sure if the possibility or consequences.
There is a space for it of course but is this the time and space?
Agree here there should be a scale based on effort! Or real writers of meaningful content will disappear! I have already modified what I write due to the feeling it does not matter what I write as no one wants to learn anything that can meaningfully help their lives, such as medicinal or holistic topics. These were just overlooked. I write more light posts now.
Have a great one!
The thing about steem is that the blockchain kinda sorta just is what it is. Someone could write a UI that only allowed people to post the word "scallops" and there's really nothing anyone can do about it.
You can of course complain to the owners of who of course can change whatever they want. But steemit is just one of a potentially endless number of UIs built on the platform
I know people will have varying opinions on Steemit. Some love writing blogs, some just want to post photos or memes.
For me, I can use Zappl like facebook where I can update my friends and family about what I ate for breakfast. I think it will be a great addition for attracting non-blogging users.
I don't think this will matter much because in the end, users willl add value to Steem. Be it, Zappl, Busy, Steemit....
The hard part for bots/curators is distinguishing the quality of the contents.
Yep, I resonate with your reservations @ausbitbank. One would hope that regardless, content will be judged for content in the same way that short and sharp posts already are. Can certainly see that there will be biases or incentives to skew things towards the Facebook style updates (which I detest). It wont change me... I think!
This post is a bit short, and has a meme, but at least you used tags... I suppose 1 out of 3 will do...
I agree though. Short posts or junky little memes should stay on twitter or instagram. That's not what Steemit is about.
I meant to post a typical zap on my mobile but I got too annoyed at it silently failing and having to retype/reupload again so I caved and used steemit.
I'm too ocd to not tag when I have the option :P
Didn't mean to accept payout here either, multifail..
So Zappl is suffering a similar torment to steemit? Are the nodes they're not coping on the latest build?
Too late now...You can donate the payout to @teamaustralia for the Charity :)
Similar, but made worse by the lack of any error message and I couldn't see my own feed so I had to keep checking steemd to see if it even posted..
Good idea, I dropped another 50 steem in a few days ago but I'll add at least some of this to the teamaus kitty when it pays out
Hahahah the irony is.
Agree totally mate and but what is the solution?
There is a valid niche for these things, I'm not suggesting for others to boycott or flag it but I guess we all have to be more careful curators and not to boost cat memes to the top of trending..
I want steem to really fulfill its potential for both charity and great content discovery and this trend worries me..
i agree the best work are ignored but cheap post get all the upvotes , it sad for the content creators who put a lot of work in searching and curating great stories
I'm all for different UIs for different content all pointing at the Steem blockchain.
IMHO, any type of applications that utilize the Steem blockchain are beneficial. . .We really don't know what is going to catch on and be the spark that really lights the Steem train. Obviously its quality content but as many apps utilizing the chain as possible also provide value in my humble opinion. Nice post btw! @rawdawg
It seems Zappl is a textbook use case for SMTs. Rather than siphoning from the STEEM rewards pool, they'll just be able to create their own. In principle.
I agree as well. The most important thing to do is to actually VOTE when you upvote. And by this i mean send the high %'s to the best work. An original, well written piece with genuine insight is truly worth greater reward than a meme...
I don't even know what zapl is???
@zappl is like twitter on the steem blockchain , it's at . Theres a short character limit, no markup and a 15% split to the owner..
The wonders never cease!
Thanks for info, but i think i'll stick with long-form, i actually still like reading and writing well wrought prose...
Cheers @ausitbank!
interesting account, following for more.
I see that you are a trader. check my last post and upvote it if you have 2min, I think you will find value in it. Cheers:).
interesting account, following for more.
I see that you are a trader. check my last post and upvote it if you have 2min, I think you will find value in it. Cheers:).
I really enjoy the engaging content produced on Steemit. I think it would bring the platform down if it degenerated into a meme feed. There are enough platforms that exist for that sort of thing already. But people see the Steem pie and want a slice without putting the work.
Thankyou for your support :)
Anyone dislikes being undervalued. Thank you for your post. Steemit is a Community!
Oh why indeed! Haven't tried it but that question deserves a serious discussion.
I totally agree. I put in so much effort in creating a nice blog with my wildlife photos, my thoughts, good artwork created by me and it takes hours. It is very disappointing to see very little upvotes when others, with a meme will end up getting $100 on zappl etc.!!@ausbitbank -
The new Steemit UI is awesome and also now seems to work properly.
I am a die hard Steemit supporter and have put in all my earnings from posts in power ups. I will always support Steemit improvement. I am donating to people setting up nodes for improved Steemit experience and will keep on doing so.
Thank you for all the support you provide to Steemit and Minnows. Upvoted full

Oh why indeed! Haven't tried it but that question deserves a serious discussion.
You feel the soul of humanity. This will encourage community to compete for interesting content
Thank you for the posting.We know zappl is nice and smart. But this one too short. Ned more info. Also need provide things for better way
Hmmmm, I wonder if Zappl also takes benefactor rewards.
This example zapp has a 15% cut
What I ate for breakfast doesn't really deserve a reward but that's how things are on Steemit. It needs a bit of change in the reward algorithm I think.
I don't know @ausbitbank memes are pretty powerful and determined the winner of the latest US election.
I never underestimate the power of memes, that's why im worried they'll takeover :P
Testing posting from a new frontend - self voting a minimum amount to verify beneficiary splitting works as expected
I think Zappl will promote Plagiarism.
We already have quite a bit of one lined low quality "work" on Steemit. Zappl is good, as long as it doesn't decrease the overall quality... and I am afraid it might, now that I see it in action. However as long as is not used for generic, bot oriented pool-rape, I personally don't mind.
Is not Steemit already paying big amount to memes and short posts? I see some everyday. Zappl should be using a tag or tags with the world zappl on it, so you can know it was posted there, like dtube does.
Zappl is freaking awesome. Steemit or whatever other UI can filter them out if they like.
I agree, there is definitely a place for it but I would hate to see a huge chunk of the reward pool going to tiny posts that take a minute to put together.
This is the problem with trying to define value, sure some single lines are more powerful than entire essays, but we know that this just encourages people with large accounts to put less work in to recieve more rewards.
It might be a good idea to find ways to discourage zappling from taking much of the reward pool, it's already hard enough for high quality work that took a lot of energy to get the attention it deserves. I've already given up on the idea of sharing my fiction here directly as I think steemit is way to oversaturated with content.
Perhaps Zapl will have a positive effect of pushing a lot of the problems of steemit to the forefront so we are forced to come up with better solutions?
Yes, the underated tag shoud be searched more, but it will be as the steemit will rise!
It would be nice if dtube, dmania (or whatever meme site), zappl, and others adopted SMTs. This would be a great way to reward content on these sites, but without taking away from steemit bloggers.
I have the same concerns as well, but if steemit doesn't fill these gaps then someone else will pulling people away from steemit.
It is an interesting progressing. I'm not sure yet if it is going to be a great idea. If it could be filtered so that it was to be somewhat separate so that it doesn't choke steemit up with endless memes, that would be okay I suppose. I would hate to see quality content drowned out by a tidal wave of content with no substance.
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Join us in Discord.This post received a 20% vote by @msp-canada courtesy of @goldenarms from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ).
Upvoting this comment will help support @minnowsupport.
I only wish there were a way to filter zappl and perhaps dmania out of the main app. Perhaps a set of filters that allow you to disable certain categories. We can already filter out NSFW post so adding another filter mechanism is obviously doable.
I have used both Zappl and dmania and like them both but I also like a Steemit that is more about original content and so much fly by night twitter like post of memes and short diatribes.
Just my two STEEMS Worth.

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Sorry for saying a lot of what others said. . .I didn't read all the comments first. . my bad
It's all good :)
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