The population is again divided on the question of pitbulls, 24 hours after a toddler of a year and a half was bitten several times in the face and arm in Louiseville, Mauricie.
"An animal, it's still an animal. The word says it: ani-evil. It can hurt, "big or small," Louiseville Mayor Yvon Deshaies told TVA Nouvelles.
The toddler's family attacked by a pitbull Monday described Gringo as a gentle dog with children; who had never shown any sign of aggression.
The dog took only a few seconds to inflict the one-and-a-half-year-old boy with very serious lacerations.
"A dog is action-reaction. All dogs will develop and have a reaction of aggression in their lives, "said the canine expert, Alain Chiocchi.
This is not the first time an attack has occurred in Louiseville and some are starting to get tired of this breed of dog, considered by many to be dangerous.
The Gringo Master himself handed the animal over to the police for the Humane Society to euthanize him.
The new provincial dangerous dogs law would have allowed the mayor of the city to order his death anyway.
Mayor Yvon Deshaies, however, does not intend to ask the RCM to ban the race completely on his territory, even if he is personally in favor of it.
"If the 17 municipalities of the MRC propose it, I will vote for. I want to protect the people; but I do not want to be the one who will carry the message, "he explained.
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://z22news.com/ban-the-pitbulls-the-debate-is-restarted/