
Another one is the Monopoly guy and how some people can recall him wearing a monocle but in reality he never had one.

Dam, thats how i remembered him.

There are actually some pictures online of him wearing a monocle. Perhaps a design change?

I had to Google this! Damn? 😱 No monocle!!

Yep yep! Or how about Pikachu's tail? Check that out as well as Hannibal Lecter ;)

OMG :-D this starts to become scary :p

Yeah! Imagine all the devastating brainwashing effects it can have on people (i.e., Elizabeth Smart).

If I read correct thear are people that Jump from one reality to the other one and some of this people now's and some not.

How can we know if my friends are from my own reality?

You got me thinking.

From what I understand (and I could be wrong) but it's almost always subconscious. But these people who "jump" tend to jump into the same alternate realities & experience the same memories...crazy!

Interesting effect..very strange

Yeah I had never heard about it until recently!

The most gnarly Mandela Effect to me are all the Movie glitches.
Forest Gump now says "Life WAS like a box of chocolates". Darth Vader now says "No, i am your father" not Luke i am your father and in Jaws it's now "YOU'RE gonna need a bigger boat" not 'We're". Loooooosing it lol

Oh man I knew about the Star Wars one, but didn't even know about those other movies!!! Also there's a Mandela Effect in Silence of the Lambs...look it up when you get the chance :)

Oh man I knew about the Star Wars one, but didn't even know about those other movies!!! Also there's a Mandela Effect in Silence of the Lambs...look it up when you get the chance :)

perhaps they are recalling others they saw get ran over by that regime?

Interesting hypothesis! There's definitely some validity behind this argument :) Thanks for offering your perspective!

My head hurts now after thinking about all the possibilities haha

Haha yeah I know, it's crazy right?

I don't know, seems more due to poor hearing, spelling, and bias media reporting to me but who knows.

Yeah, factors such as hearing & biased media are very much huge factors in the way people both perceive & remember things.

@theywillkillyou i would intro myself formally but it's prob easier to go to my blog and look at my intro posts, etc.

I'm taking a long shot by asking you this but I have great connections, EVEN in the entertainment industry, through my digital marketing clients, and one place where I have had that HARDEST time getting my idea that involves YT in front of someone is at YT. In short, I'm looking for someone that I can collaborate with then help me pitch the right people or make an intro.

Like I said, I'm not expecting the world and I know that's a big ask. But I'll take every avenue I can to reach out to someone who might be interested in doing someone a favor and/or collaborating on, what believe to be a proven and extremely successful model with a next generation tech spin on it.

If you're willing to give up your email or skype or whatever medium you prefer if it's something you're interesting in hearing about and helping with, that's fantastic. If not, not worries and I hope you're enjoying Steemit

Hi Johnny, I can't promise you anything but I'm definitely open to hearing you out :) Go ahead & message me on at your earliest convenience so we can set up a Skype call to discuss everything!

nice video

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it :)

hey that rings a bell or maybe triggering a false memory in me-- haha. i think we are connected on youtube if you have the same name there - thnx for the great post and i decided to follow you too -David

Glad you enjoyed it & thanks for you support! Happy STEEMing :)

I do believe in alternate realities but about 99% of the time when I watch these Mandela Effect videos I tend to say "It has always been like that." I think human beings collectively don't have a good memory.
Think of it like misheard lyrics. Many people mishear the same exact lyric all the time because I guess brains are similar to each other.

Yeah different perceptions can lead to a lot of contradicting recollections. Considering how volatile & sporadic the mind can be, it makes for a lot of errors.

Hey, this was a very interesting read. Perhaps I'd like to add that: Freud's definition of "False Memories", eventually also included his own explanation as to why they happen, at least in an individual level.

Freud's idea of "repression", as in, pushing out of consciousness events that are too emotionally charged, suggested that some things rather than just being "forgotten" were instead replaced by what he had called "False Memories".

I hope this extra bit of info helps you and your readers! Thanks for sharing.

Source: Maybe "An Outline of Psychoanalysis" by Freud himself, but Wikipedia works too.

Thanks for the addition, it was really helpful & I think it adds some great perspective to things :) Really appreciate it!

Glad I was able to contribute!

LoL, the Mandela effect is so funny... I have seen some people saying "In my previous reality people only had 1 eye, this 2 eyes is new" hahahaha

Hahahaha what the hell?!?!?!

it was always berenstein bears, i dont care what anyone says

Yooo, this is creepy and interesting at the same time.

Yeah it's super interesting!