
Why are you always trying to manipulate the dialog your always telling people what to think and say. You took an oath to uphold the Constitution but continue to crap all over the first amendment what does that say about you as a veteran. What it says about you is you are only interested in your first amendment rights and screw everyone else's rights
Go back to your failed YT channel. and STFU. Get a real job clown.
That's my answer.

"People on YouTube do not want to see the fighting and filth."
You allow it your comment section as long as it's supportive. A prime example is Someone's Princess who uses blasphemy and 'curse' words. Yet you have stated in the past that any curse words go into a spam box. Another lie.

Actually 70% of her comments go to spam and are still there. I do not see them publicly. Now if YT is showing them, I dont know.

I saw a comments from one sub who pointed this out you answered but evaded the question.

An example is on my newest video - this very one - I can see there were 7 comments but I can only see myself and one other.

Who is commenting?

What are they saying?


"People on YouTube do not want to see the fighting and filth."
You allow it your comment section as long as it's supportive. A prime example is Someone's Princess who uses blasphemy and 'curse' words. Yet you have stated in the past that any curse words go into a spam box. Another lie.

Again, most of her posts go to spam and remain there.

I am no longer deleting every comment with swearing in it.

That would eliminate a LOT of comments.

You guys ranted that you wanted freedom of speech.

You got it.

Live with it.

"I am no longer deleting every comment with swearing in it.

That would eliminate a LOT of comments."

That's very Christian of you. And it would probably damage your video rankings. And of course the money.

I can do screen prints if you doubt me.

Again, most of her comments go to spam and stay there.

My theory is that the people on the thread can still see the replies. This is only a theory because I cant see them on the public site.

unblock everyone, you can then buy a new keyboard with a new delete key to use