I think this is great news and believe things could quickly snowball, we already have the likes of Luke Rudkowski who is a well known journalist that has found a home here on the Steem blockchain, though i feel he is a from particular genre separate from the likes of the Hodgetwins he and people like him only serve to benefit everyone involved in the Steem blockchain.
Youtube has decided that these kind of content creators are undesirable and subsequently have demonetised most of their work which i think is outrageous.
Filthy Frank
Subscribers: > 6,500,000
Total Views: > 1,000,000,000

Though Filthy Frank (real name George Miller) has said he does not want to do youtube videos anymore and would rather chase a career in the music industry i think him being demonetised across the board expedited his decision,
if he were to upload on to the Steem blockchain he would be an overnight success.
Subscribers: >5,000,000
Total Views: > 450,000,000

Subscribers: >500,000
Total views: >60,000,000

Two words... Jason Blaha. The clown prince of the bodybuilding... oops... I mean powerlifting world.
I know of that guy he would defo fit in here, Vegan Gains would as well lol
Yeah, I would seriously follow Vegan Gains on here. I'd love to see that dude write actual articles and things to supplement his video blogging.
A lot of folks think Richard is an asshole, but I actually tend to think he cuts the bullshit when it comes to fitness... even if you disagree with his veganism.
I completely agree his last video on CT Fletcher was a bit cold but he makes a point.
Inspiration of the world
I like to think so...