YouTuber Becomes First In U.K. To Win Civil Damages In Revenge Porn Case

in #youtube7 years ago (edited)

This is big, some people will sleep better knowing this, please see the video.

American YouTube star Chrissy Chambers has made legal history in the United Kingdom by becoming the first victim of revenge pornography ever to win civil damages in a public settlement.

"To every victim of this insidious kind of attack, I am here to say: You can fight back and win. You will heal and move on – and you will not have to take those steps alone,” Chambers said in a public statement outside the Royal Courts of Justice in London.

Chambers and her partner, Bria Kam, are two of the most popular lesbian content creators on YouTube. Their channels have close to one million subscribers.

Before coming out, Chambers had a British boyfriend who recorded videos of him having sex with her without her knowledge or consent. He posted them online years after they broke up.

Chambers and Kam waged a very public battle against revenge pornography, documented on their YouTube channel. The landmark victory comes after years of legal struggles on both sides of the Atlantic. Chambers spoke exclusively to VICE News about her story​


This is very interesting story!!! That means every fight have a good end in life if it for right!!!
Nice and interesting story of life!!!

Multe articole de pe vice nu sunt legit si sunt scrise numai pentru bani, nu stiu ce sa cred :))

You tube is best now because you can use it any time as you get time...
thanks for the activity sharing carry on

:)) youtube is not the problem here :) are you ok? Please research my post more or just don't expect any rewards :)) by commenting here

she looks pretty serious!