Youtube Suspended my account

in #youtube8 years ago

So last night Youtube Sent me an email suspending my Youtube account for "suspended based on our Community Guidelines and Terms of Service". No clear reason why just a vague reference. When I filed an appeal asking them why they basically gave me the middle finger saying they were not going to un-suspend my account. I sent a second appeal and their response was I was not entitled to a second appeal and they are keeping my account suspended.

OK so I am a small peon, I have all of 11 videos posted in 5 years.

What pisses me off is, I had a lot of saved videos for references on HOW TO and all the people who I subscribe to who I watch on a daily basis.

I am so over Youtube, they are just pushing people away by the droves.

If anyone has any suggestions on how to get access back please let me know.

I give Youtube 5 years and it will be irrelevant.