
Fuckers! they probs owed you a bunch of money for all the views...maybe it blew up to 10,000,000 views during the second 6 months. ok time to delete this fucker...before he comes back to monetize. well shit...better off on steemit!!

Cheers to that.

Interesting story. Sounds like almost lost your internet identity! Eeeeck!

I really could have!

I think I vaguely recall them youtube videos lol

The main part of your story is to lean all things about it. And main thing is don't be panic about situation. Thanks @naneki-neko
Yes! in life we have more ups and downs as we are not in heaven. All ups and downs are coming in your life to check faith on GOD, now its on you whether you oby or neglect...
Always remembers, God is more blessing rather then cruel like devil work. Must follow and get more.....
Thanks in all bro....

It's crazy how unfairly they treat small creators, pewdiepie gets a copyright strike like once a week and he just gets demonetized. It's also ridiculous how much YouTube bends over for copyright holders. Corridor digital has a video where 3% of the content of the video was derived from a copyrighted work and YouTube took all the revenue (past and future) and gave it to the copyright holder. They have no spine and they don't even try to stand up for their creators. DTube was long overdue, glad to have you here man!

First of all in terms of economics YouTube isn't even making a profit. If they would I'm sure they would treat people better. Second PewDiePie has a pretty edgy channel that you even may consider to be not that good role model for the new generations growing up.

YouTube has to protect the copyright holders because it's their work being used. It's not fun when somebody steals your work. If you want 0 problems with YouTube you only create original content. You also have to consider that YouTube is a massive video service it's impossible for them to do all right. They do a lot for their creators but nobody claps their hand when they do. But when 1% bad happens people panic.

Since they bought the service from the original creators maybe we should blame the creators that sold the service in the first place. It's a free service it's a blessing people can even make 1 cent from it. But people feel entitled fast to riches. More gratitude is needed that YouTube even exist at all. If YouTube want then they can ask their creators to pay for video hosting. But they are nice enough to give it out for free.

YouTube was proftable until the recent adpocalypse. Since that moment all of a sudden they care about what is happening on their platform, before that time the trolls, extortionists and gangsters had free reign to create anonymous entities to do what ever they wanted. Now that YT is getting punished by advertisers, YT is passing the buck to content creators who never published anything controversial. YT is not a free service in the same way Google and Facebook are not free; you just didn't recognize the currency you paid them with.
That being said, YouTube is a fabulous platform in functionality, image and sound quality. Their 4K image quality is stunning to say the least. Greetings!
Edit: If YouTube was so concerned with protecting copyright holders, why are they making it possible for Facebookers and other YouTubers to steal my work? They are protecting corporate entities, the same protection is not available to us.

Thank you @onnovocks! Its nice to see that someone gets it... That damn "Top Five Central" stole my video, used it almost in it's entirety without saying a word to me. And they got 20 million+ views. Meanwhile my original has like 3k views...

Yeah @jeffmcmullen, I found my work with logo intact on other platforms getting 700 views per day when mine sits in YT with 700 views in 7 months. He could have linked my video, but chose to copy, and upload; It's more work so I can't say he is lazy, but there is no way for me to get those views back :/
When I upload a cover band, I may get 23 different copyright holders making a claim to 90 seconds of it, but when my stuff is used, I have to be lucky enough to find it myself, or get an email from a friend saying, hey did you know.....
If you want to know how YT really works, give this website a gander: devumi (.) com. Everything is for sale; Subs and views by the thousands. Personally I'm more about the interaction with viewers, but even here the reality is that time is limited, voting power is limited to 10 a day ( or it kills yur bandwidth locking you out completely), so I can see why people use Bots and self upvote. As long as the whales are doing that, I won't feel bad about doing the same. Greetings!

@phoneinf Well, in my case - they destroyed my account and email over content that was marked as creative commons, and as I dont have a video scanning bot like they do, there was no way for me to know this was the case. And yes YouTube might be not super profitable, but its part of Google is IS mega profitable, and they are transforming YouTube into a Netflix sort of platform, so yes in the meantime it is not profitable, but also Google mines all the info from videos and comments and sells it to advertisers via Google mainframe as well... So I think its a bit of a stretch to have a pity party for them. Now I will admit that I AM super grateful o YouTube for broadening my horizons in so many ways - but I see it heading in another direction entirely since google came in - thats why i am here!

Yes it's true they do that. But they do share some revenue with the creators. But they have become too big as of this moment. Especially when they own the search that majority use haha. A bit scary in a way!

Very happy to have discovered Steemit from a friend a month ago. Still feels like a dream how great this service works. So weird with Google how they are allowed to not even have phone support.. And they still have super many glitches and bugs on YouTube even 10 years later... Steemit is a great step forward!

Especially when they are so dedicated just check this out:

The tokens that are coming will be so cool! So excited about it.

Oh I know about SMTs! Check out @drkent singing the whitepaper in folk/blues format- its epic..

Hi @meneki-neko
your comment on my post of introduction. And you said that there is a logo competition so can I be a part of that ???

Hey - well the competition ended a while ago but if you want to design a logo :

can you reach me out at discord please or you contact me?
my discord name is Aqib Ashiq#9256

Damn brother, I didn't know that THAT happened brother...I'm sorry man! Thankfully nothing like that happened to me...not YET. Who knows what can happen, but like you...I'm also really happy that dtube exists man!

Winny out...for now ;)

I have a problem with YouTube basically every week now. I have also had these 'creative commons' YouTube music that were provide by YouTube come back and bite me in the bum years later. There is basically nothing you can do. YouTube actually doesn't get involved, they just take the copyright claimant's side and have robots and automatic emails deal with you.

It's good for people that are actually breaking copyright, but frustrating for law -abiding people like me.

This is exactly why I don't like my own GMail account...

So are we getting some DIY videos in here? That would be fun! :P