I got a strike over David Hogg's own words | YouTube

in #youtube7 years ago

Yesterday I put out a video mashing up David Hogg's latest obscenity-laden interview with some clips from Glengarry Glen Ross to illustrate what a potty mouth the first and second amendment opponent has. I didn't say a word in the video. A few hours later the video was taken down and I received my first strike on my main channel, which means no livestreaming for 90 days if it holds up. The video is still available here on DTube and on Bitchute.

The strike is currently being appealed and I'm planning to challenge it up to the point of getting an attorney if I have to. In the meantime, I'll keep doing live shows on Twitch and posting pre-recorded videos to YouTube. For now let's pray for that appeal to go through.

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A new Steemian/Dtuber is born with every act of censorship and/or strike on Youtube. The censorship will get even more brazen during the next election. If you think the major social media platforms are censoring now, just wait till' election time.

Yeah I saw this on Youtube and I just commented about it in a live video I did. That is crazy dude. You cannot even mention Hogg on there at all. Nutz. Just do what ACFAU does, leave the video up for a few hours then pull it.

You should use your YouTube platform to get people over here. There aren't enough people like you on this platform yet. It's a shame that YouTube is demonizing many of the channels that have made it what it is today.

That sucks bro, you should see if you can stream on dlive.

yeah,you have to title it "haivd dogg" to beat the AI

Well using their own words against them makes them look really bad and its just a low down dirty tactic. They can say whatever they want and should never be checked and if what they say is stupid we have to dumb ourselves down and swallow it....

I will miss the streams. Sadly Twitch always lags on me. I will keep man eye out on DTube. BTW your steemit tutorials are awesome. You explain in a way that made things way easier for me to understand.

i'm with you Nathan, I cannot live in a world where we have fucking david hoggwash of all people on TV deceiving the world, and all the silicon valley soyboy media platforms protecting him and this ridiculous narrative they are pushing. It is an insult to the intelligence of anyone who can exercise even a modicum of critical thinking, which is apparently barely anyone nowadays. All the normies on facebook are completely falling for this bullshit, calling for gun control, hashtagging away their rights. Complete fucking insanity. Truth is treason in the empire of lies.

This great post i appreciate your youtube..

I'm surprised you uploaded it in the first place. You know they flag all hoggwash... so anything that is portraying him as being anything other than a saint/hero will get you burned on jootube. You should post it on dtube or dlive and just tell folks to check it out in the future.
I don't know how anyone will continue to operate on Jootube... I mean outside the Fwat Erf Mandela effect crap.. how on earth can you challenge ANYTHING?
You can't.
Freedom of Speech has been eradicated on Jootube. That was why they brought Wojicki in. The purge was well choreographed and carried out.
The question that I have is this: Will Steemit ever replicate Jootubes censorship?
We better pray it doesn't happen.

Fuck David Hogg… And his pig Ex FBI father. Using the blood of children to further a political agenda is beyond disgusting and morally reprehensible.

Hey Nathan, not sure if you can put together a segment on this, but follow these leads: The Women's March, The Walkout March on March 14th, Nation of Islam and Gays against Guns. I have and there are dots to be connected! Good luck!

Neera Tanden, Obama’s former Policy Director, is their current president. John Podesta is the founder & no lie, was given money from George Soros to help start it as a social justice/political movement organization & as a way to make money off of climate change...green tech.Look at John Podesta’s Center for American Progress (CAP) & Think Progress. They’re on Twitter as: @AmProgress @ThinkProgress @CAPaction @CAPactionGuns.

They use CAP & ThinkProgress to effectively interfere in elections across the world & no one calls them on it. They did it in France during lePens run for President. They even ran w/the same Putin lie they fed Americans & continue to feed the gullible. MSM talking heads use their articles as a legitimate news source all of the time & link their viewers to their articles via their websites (MSNBC, CNN), Facebook, & Twitter.

CAP hosted the first Woman’s March in DC at the UUA “church” with Linda Sarsour. UUA’s definition of “church” is really another term for SJW’s that give classes in their “churches” across the world to affect NWO change. They host, train, & organize BLM, Woman’s March, DisruptJ20, etc.. Ever wonder how they get so many people to attend from across the country? It’s UUA organizing their congregations of SJW’s! Did you ever wonder why there were posters plastered across the world in different countries on January 20th for President Trump’s inauguration? Who organized all those women to go out & protest & DisruptJ20 in Europe? UUA congregations!

UUA has a direct link on their website to all social political protests you can join. They accept every religion, including Wiccans as ministers in some of their churches. Pick any kind of SJW class you can think of & they’ve got a class for you to take. Want to go join Antifa? They’ve got a class for you. Want to know how far you can push the police at a protest w/out getting arrested? No worries! They teach you that too! I haven’t been able to prove it yet, but I’m almost certain, UUA “church” & CAP are being funded by the same people or are somehow interconnected. If anyone knows, please reply. I haven’t looked into this recently, but I’m fired up again now that CAPaction & CAPactionGuns is using kids for political purposes!

Just keep it over here. The YouTube days are gone and I am close to uninstalling the app.

Glad you're here on steemit - consider me your encouragement from Momz.