You'd be even more jealous of my parents, they've been frequent visitors there and stayed for 2 weeks and longer, travelling around the highlands and islands up there!
Ah the PS2... such great memories, not sure what game you'd have played with so much emphasis on Egypt... Hercules? Tomb Raider?
I am sure your list will have New Zealand on it :P I'm willing to bet
I remember you mentioning your parents traveling there. I am in a bad place for traveling in the sense where everything is so far away making it so expensive :(
For the game it was Sphinx:
I've also been playing Assassins Creed Origins as it takes place in the Egyptian times. I never finished it though as a lot of the game play is repetitive, just in different areas on the map. But I did put a lot of hours into it and will get back to it once the itch starts again.
But for now the feel is for zombies, playing Dead Island Riptide on the PS3. A game that scares as it becomes intense? Yes please :P
Haha, I've not come across Sphinx before, not the game anyway. There's a really cool drum and bass track called "Mathematics" by Sphinx though that I featured in one of my shows. No wonder that game has ties to Egypt with a name like that!
I've not played Assassin's Creed so can't say what it's like but sounds like you invested a lot of time in to it, hope if the itch comes again, you can scratch it!
Wait, what?! You like playing zombie games? Who are you? What have you done with @foxyspirit??
I'm going to have to check out that track! Sounds neat and if you featured it in your show, then I'm pretty sure that it's rad.
Assassins Creed is a pretty good game, series you could say. They are usually large games. Fighting, discovering, story telling etc.
I can feel something inside taking over, it leans towards the dark side and seeks enjoyment in the scary, creepy creatures there may be. It's like the shadows are washing over me, quickly yet ever so slowly, once only covered my toes, now being neck deep, stretching my head up as much as I can as though I am drowning and I'm reaching for my last moments to breathe. And then..... So what other zombie games should I play? Halloween is around the corner and I'm about to make my nightly movie list to do a sort of daily countdown to the big day.
OH! I didn't tell you! I don't think I told you.... So with covid and all that shit, my friend Mandy and I have organized our halloween night, spending all hours of the night in what was a funeral home, rooms were made inside to rent to contractors for the mines but they don't like going there as they get some really bad vibes happening there. I'm going to bring my pendulum, tarot cards and a few other things and drinks to add to the creepiness of the night. :D
Unfortunately, there isn't a video or stream link that I can find for the track as it was released on an underground label called Social Studies back in 2005 and looks like it's limited edition (thankfully I managed to get an mp3 of it at the time) but I did a bit of digging and found it on a mix I did back in August 2018:
/The track starts at 10 mins 20 seconds in if you wanted to jump straight to it :)
Haha! Wow that sounds like you have got a solid night of scary debauchery lined up! I bet you are going to have an awesome evening 😃
That as some digging! 2018!! Well, I have to thank you for sharing this, you are too kind :D
I'm good at finding things, what can I say haha 😃