Aww you're awesome!!! Thank you on behalf of all of us involved in the YouAreHOPE Foundation!
For the record the corrected names are
@malos10 - Venezuela missions Agent of Hope and YouAreHOPE Co-Founder with me back in October.
@misterakpan - Nigeria missions Agent of Hope
There are more of us and we've done work now funded by steemitizens in 7 countries since October, feeding and supplying hundreds of orphans, homeless, sick, dying, impoverished and catastrophe affected folks around the world.
All transparent on the block chain, steem exclusive and fueled by the loving generosity of people like you here in the steem ecosystem!
Yours In Service,
Founder @YouAreHOPE Foundation
Founder @SteemStarNetwork
I FIXED the names in the post above! Thanks Cork :D
Really, Cork, I admire your work and I hope we meet someday! You are already a good friend and I know I want to help out when I can. God Bless!
I hope you did it for the orphans, not the rep :) but yeah, rep is a big deal too :)
I guess my rep was not that close actually LOL :D
lolol oh and Im SirCork not Sri Cork ;) ^^^ in the post ;)
Sounds like a Sri Lanka Royal, I'd keep it! :P
Imma perpetrate like I know what that is and nod in agreement?
I prolly oughta do this every month ;)
Add some Bot Love-Juice LOL 90wt Oil?
Sounds like plan!
i am will follow you ok
@minnowbootcamp is setup for new minnows, but @sircork is a great follow as well!