edit: We did a dlive breaking news broadcast which gets into detail on this announcement on Words with Witty and Snook, after I posted this last night.

This is an important YouAreHOPE announcement.
I am publishing this on my own account, because quite simply, it has much larger reach and following, and I want this news to go far and wide.
Further I am assigning the 95% beneficiary of this post as @YouAreHOPE directly, with the remaining 5% going to steem-plus for facilitating the posting interface and beneficiary tool as is their requirement.
And here's the announcement!
As of today, the YouAreHOPE Foundation is making a permanent partnership with the well known Steem based community called The Alliance ( @thealliance / #thealliance )
What this means, is that operation of the discord community hub will continue, as well as the Coalition of Causes channels representing all the various regions and other charitable and humanitarian aid groups who have enjoyed sharing our space with us since last October. For now, that does not need to change.
The general intention of YouAreHOPE to serve mankind around the world as the world's first Steem exclusive, blockchain transparent, community fueled, game changing way of providing humanitarian aid remains the same as ever, with some major improvements in the pipeline ahead.
Here are some specifics about the "merger" of YouAreHOPE Foundation into The Alliance as one our charitable outreach programs.
The Alliance community personnel will form and operate management and committees as needed to further the endeavors of the YAH foundation with all participation completely voluntary. It's something like when companies in the "real world" also send various employee teams out to Habitat for Humanity or similar projects or something like how McDonald's has the Ronald McDonald house for sick kids, etc.

The newly formed leadership team is as follows:
Founder/Senior Advisor:witness on the @noblewitness team @SirCork -
Co-Founder/Agent of Hope( Venezuela Operations Support):TheAlliance member, Helped conceive of YAH and is our longest time and most consistently delivering Agent of HOPE with YouAreHOPE - @Malos10 -
CEO/Director of Operations:TheAlliance Co-founder, Community Builder, Real world experience in charitable operations @MichaelDavid -
President/Committee Chairman:TheAlliance Co-founder, Community Builder, Amazing leader @Enginewitty -
Transparency Reporting Publications:TheAlliance member, and long time producer of the @YouAreHOPE Thankful Thursday Transparency Reports. @FishyCulture -
Marketing/Fundraising:Battleaxe is an Alliance member and invented the TeamGood hashtag to further all projects serving others in ways that are, aptly put, "good!" @BattleAxe & #TeamGood &TheAlliance Fam -
Charity Operations Consulting:My fellow Alliance member and @NobleWitness teammate, @RhondaK, who runs the successful real world 501.3c Animal Rescue and who has mucho experience operating with volunteers, and in sparse funding conditions. @RhondaK -
Why is this necessary?
Because in the 10 months YouAreHOPE has existed, it has soley been managed mostly by me, and it has suffered for my inability to do everything necessary to realize it's full potential.
YouAreHOPE has become a steem platform movement over the past year, everyone I meet has heard of it.
It serves as a shining example of what this community and this platform can do to really change the world.
We have served thousands of needful people with food, clothing, medicine, construction, shelter, improvements, pollution cleanup, shoes, seeds, school supplies, educational materials, education itself, and so much more.
All of it has been accomplished via donations made exclusively and transparently on steem. On OUR blockchain, right here at home. With services delivered by steemians in their distressed communities, and transparently reported on to our donors, showing how 100% of their funding was applied.
This weekend, I had the pleasure of being at a meetup with @Enginewitty and @MichaelDavid down in Georgia, USA.
I had previously spoken with both about YAH and The Alliance, but this was our first weekend on-site together. The synergy, strategy and all night planning sessions were intense, and fueled with passion for the world of people around us.
Here is what we decided
It's time to focus the organization of the entire @YouAreHOPE Foundation concept into a more fundamentally sound structure going into our second year.
We need to enable it with a larger team of capable and creative leadership, and march strongly into year two of YouAreHOPE, together.
Over the first year, the majority of our work in several countries on several continents seems to keep coming back to orphans, grade school aged children and barely established, poorly funded village schools around the world.
@MichaelDavid and I emptied wine bottles long into the night, discussing ways with fellow Alliance member @crescendoofpeace (Cori) to implement self sustaining orphanages and to develop reliable ground supply chains into disadvantaged areas.
@Enginewitty and @MichaelDavid and I all spent quality time with @Instructor2121 who is likely to help us sort out some ideas around a YAH SMT, once we work out how we would or could use such a thing and just in general, so many ideas came out of this powerhouse group, to 10 or even 100x what YAH is already doing around the world.... and maybe even more! A lot of that falls on the community and platform wide, as those of you who already do, and those of you who still have yet to do so, contribute time, money and resources to making this a world changing, disruptive and effective way of changing how charity trustworthiness and efficiency works, forever.
The Future
Throughout history, people have donated charitably, and in every single case, there is ALWAYS some reason to be sceptical of your funds end utilizations. I mean from the earliest time to now, one could never be certain where the money went. I know you understand what I mean. Even at flipping churches!
Here, you can feel secure in your giving because you can always see where everything is going before, during and after our campaigns.
Right here on the chain that has REAL utility and purpose.
On Steem.
With the YouAreHOPE Foundation and The Alliance family community as it's shepherd.
@YouAreHOPE = Help, Opportunity, Purpose & Empowerment
Visit our blog at http://steemit.com/@youarehope for more information or join us in our YAH discord here:

Always delighted for the great work you've done to the Steem ecosystem and to humanity @sircork. You truly inspired me.
@jassennessaj you too, were instrumental in the formation of YAH with your work in CEBU and an inspiration to me as well. I am so proud of what you've gone on to accomplish here on steem and in life! And you are indeed my brother in the world forever!
Keep it going Cork. Sounds awesome. Thnx for your effort :)
We all do what we can :)
I am so glad to see YAH grow in this way, with people who I know have good hearts, sharp minds, and the desire to make the world a better place! You created an excellent charity, @sircork, and I think these changes will give it the wings it needs to fly. I appreciate the focus on bringing sustainability to those in need, particularly focusing on children.
As for the late nights, still feeling 'em. ;) So glad I got to spend time with you this weekend, and many of the amazing people you've tagged above. Steem on, my friend!
It was wonderful to finally meet you hun!
Can't wait to see how this grows from here 😁
Thank you superstar! <3
Excellent! I hope this helps YAH become even more effective at helping those in need, and continue to blaze the trail of what blockchain based charity can do!
We really are changing the world!
Team Good Alpaca loves this post! Nomnomnomnom!

Delegate to our project via SteemConnect:
10 SP | 20 SP | 50 SP | 100 SP | 200 SP | 500 SP | 1000 SP | 5000 SP
The new renovation the foundation has undergone is incredible, and it is good to know that Thealliance will be an important part of these changes. Be better things, we just have to work hard to achieve it.
the work wont be so hard if we do it together!
You are absolutely right, the strength is in teamwork.
This is the best news i have heard today, alliance with @thealliance will pave the way for great and better improvements of our beloved YouAre Hope foundation.
paving foundations! I like that!
Looking forward to seeing all that will happen as YAH grows exponentially with the new partnerships! Excited for your second year!!! :)
Thank you so much!
Im so glad to read this post! You have all of my suport. In the same way Im a part of YAH since several months ago and most reciently to thealliance and Im so happy to belong into this two amazing groups!
Im in the coallition of causes I have a special room called Unknown Heroes Foundation, we are from Venezuela country too and support the YAH Venezuela Team too, we are a group of people from this side of the world that try to help others here and in others places of the world using the power of the blockchain and Steemit comunity.
So Im very glad to know awesome people that helps others in all the world. Cause of that YAH @youarehope its amazing! and @thealliance too. @sircork thanks a lot again for all of your support all of this months, in the same way I wanna say thanks to @malos10, @c0ff33a, @inthenow and @crisangel - Blessings to all lml
Thanks for all of your support @sircorck @youarehope ;)
<3 <3
Love what you do my friend!
Thanks a lot! blessings - rockstar ;) lml
Do you have a CV/career history of the charities that he has been involved in, please?
(as you now, I'm skeptical of charities and their motivations..and my research seems to support my position, unfortunately...)
I want the You are Hope / steemit , charity to be above all that BS..
Transparency is important..
Hi @lucylin.
I'm my opinion you should be skeptical of charity organizations. Most take your money and little goes to the help they advertise. That's the beauty of YAH. Being on the blochchain allows for perfect visibility.
As far as my career history goes with humanitarian work...
Growing up my parents were always taking people in and currently redistribute truck loads of food around the community to those in need which I help with occasionally. My aunt runs a food bank locally that takes and gives some of this supply.
Having squatted in nearly every state in the country, sleeping under bridges and feeding myself from dumpsters, I've had a first hand look at poverty in our country.
From that experience I continued traveling the country gathering food donations, cooking it and serving it in cities across the country to thousands of people in need as we traveled.
Everything my family does and that I've done this far has been on a personal level... Not involving larger organizations (much of dad's work was through his church).
In my personal experience we put our energies into implementation rather than talk. Showing up where we were needed most with tons of food to share. I plan to take a similar approach with @youarehope. To implement sustainable strategies first and talk later. Thus avoiding senseless BS.
Hear, here.
Thanks for the reply!
I've been looking into the 'charity con' somewhat - and it really is a cesspit of financial maneuverings (and very little to do with charity), hence my questions regarding YAH...
From the lack of response from some organizations, and lack of willingness to engage , my antenna are switched on to any kind of obstruction to transparency, in regards to charity...
Yup, been there, and done that to. (in Europe, not the US).
I'm poorer than a mouse who has just been evicted, and had his last bit of cheese taken off him, but I still give a guy with no legs and a skateboard some rice most days...
(I'm in Asia nowadays, not the west..)
And that echoes my own childhood, as my parents were awarded Citizens of the Year by our state for nearly 40 years spent organizing a 12-church wide clothing and food collection and distribution network that served around 100K people a year from multiple "free store" locations in the area.
Among other things.
Dig all you want, this is the future of charity, specifically because you CANT bury anything in it.
I'll let him field that question at his next juncture online, but keep in mind. I had never done this before at ALL, and to my knowledge, in the configuration in which we operate on the chain, no one has ever done this before at all, before me, at this scale or duration or reach. So there's that, regardless.
Story of my life...
I understand what you mean, so in this 'far from transparent, charity ' con as I see it, it would be great if this is totally dispelled on the steemit side of things..
If you see what I mean.
As any charity should be transparent, that has to include the abliity of background checks of it organizers...
(imagine if Bernie Madrff was an organizer without the ability to check his credentials, for example? lol).
The reason is that after looking at these charities, and the connections, nepotism and 'jobs for the boys' seems to infect a very large proportion of them...
So upfront transparency, and any questions is a good thing, not a bad one..
Are you aware we are steem exclusive, which means all transactions are on the chain, further, we've been operating for nearly 11 months, using thousands in cumulative donations to serve thousands of people in a dozen countries on several continents already?
It's all in the chain. Every last move, and all the heavily documented deliveries during the missions.
I did inquire about this earlier (a few months ago), and you said individual donations couldn't really be tracked...?
(or did i get that wrong..?...sorry if I misunderstood)
Do you have a link to the record of the transactions? A ledger, kind of..?
I would never have said that because we publish them every thursday and have for most of the year.
We dont MAKE donations to cases that only serve individuals 99% of the time. That could be the confusion.
You can find the ledger in the wallet, or in every single chain explorer that exists... steemd, steemdb, all the others that cover the chains transactions...
we also dont track once a donation enters the wallet, through dispensing it. In other words.
10 people donate. We run a mission and spend some. People are still adding donations, we're running missions we can afford. There is no tracking your dollar went to xyz, unless its a special or specific fundraiser, generally marked as such in all the documentation posts.
Great news for you all! More hands will hopefully help things grow and reach more areas. All the best!
Hi @sircork! We are @steem-ua, a new Steem dApp, computing UserAuthority for all accounts on Steem. We are currently in test modus upvoting quality contributions with a high UA value! Nice work!
So I'm #504. Not sure how the math works with lots of dormant peeps in the top 100 there, but thanks? :D
Starting from the witnesses, UA propagates from user to user based on its followers until equilibirum is reached. Propagating UA does not directly reduce the UA of an account. Seems that a lot of dormant peeps are followed by accounts with high UA.
A few minutes spent around here quickly explains all that once you learn who is who.
"Starting from the witnesses" is the problem mostly here, since many, like myself post on our own accounts but our witnesses are different names. We often dont use our witness accounts for much on chain stuff at all, in some peoples cases, never at all.
Also, many witnesses are teams. So you arent accounting for their REAL influence here.
and a lot of the whales listed are dormant, but get followers because beggers.
The metric is clearly skewed by looking at your top 100 and then looking at who actually has blogs, activity in the last century or so... and not by money or by being a witness account, and this is coming from a witness who has been around here a good long time.
When @noblewitness starts to follow your account, you will raise in UA rank. At the moment the influence of @noblewitness is removed from the UA system, as it is not following anybody.
We tried to avoid any manual interaction for calculation UA. Its value completely depends on witness voting and follow behavior of all accounts without any manual correction.
theres ten accounts on the top 100 following nobody, noble included.
its pretty unclear what this "influence" is
Witness accounts are the seed accounts for calculating UA.
In the first UA calculation round, every witness get's a start UA value based on its received witness votes count. All other accounts starts with zero UA.
Accounts that following nobody do not increase UA of other accounts but can receive UA (seed as witness or being followed by others).
Y'all are awesome. And, I say again, seriously awesome.
Thank you.
And to @sircork, I reiterate my offer, having been on the Board of Directors for several 501(c)3 charities in the past and counting, I have fundraising experience, and am willing to put it to work for #yah and #tarc.
Seriously. Now.
I have earned two certificates in aquaponics, have a number of contacts in that field, all over the world, and I already know that @fishyculture will help in that regard, as that is only one of many areas that she and I have in common.
And, it is after all she who made me aware of #thealliance in the first place. Not bad place to start, as she is pretty awesome in her own regard. She has definitely made Steemit a better place for me to be. ;-)
And I have a lot of other areas of expertise that can be brought to play with #yah, and am able and willing to do just that. Just ask.
In the meantime, I pledged my SBDs for a time to #tarc, and haven't for the past couple of posts, mostly because I had been out of town, just started a new job, and was mildly (understatement) overwhelmed.
So I am saying here for the record, from now until the end of 2018, ALL SBDs earned by ANY of my posts, without exception, will be split evenly between @rhondak's #tarc, and #yah, aka You are Hope.
And, thanks to the recent delegation to @tribesteemup, that will be more than a mere few pennies per post, and will hopefully will actually make a difference where it counts the most.
I strongly believe in what you are doing, always have, have been involved in such projects since LONG before I joined Steemit, and will do whatever I need to do to help. It's who I am.
As a longtime friend of mine said,"Yeah, I guess it was only a matter of time before you moved to the Volunteer State." ;-)
Thanks, @enginewitty and @sircork, for all you do.
Not to mention all the other awesome #thealliance folk I was finally able to meet at the Atlanta meetup. Thanks to you all. ;-)
Well then. I'd expect we'll all get a chance to participate in this.
We've got some gearing up to do in the organization to get underway with the new team and configuration but we're working on it.
This is why I chose to approach the Alliance in the first place. It's loaded with givers and smart people, and I couldn't think of any more effective meta community on the chain. The Alliance really IS the best.
And here I thought I was gonna have to ask for a few volunteers 😎
I wouldnt rule that out. Time to fire up the fundraising, as things have basically spent out. Once I reimburse the personal travel expenses for coming to the strategy sessions with you and Michael, we got about 130 steem in the account liquid for missions and the sp we have for life support on the platform.
10-4 good buddy.
The charity work will not suffer. It must continue and make meaningful progress. I admire your work so much and you are doing perfect job all around the world. God in His infinite mercy will continue to be with you and bless you more abundantly. Amen.
Ride on!
Hi Steven! Ride on indeed!
This is a exciting thing and I know you all and the good people involved. I believe this will be a great thing 😊 Great people and great ❤️
Can't get better. I wish you good luck and I'm looking forward to se it grows.
Love the focus on helping people in need and you know how much the children matters ❤️
For You.... ALWAYS 🤗🤗🤗 butthug coming up.

Sorry I didn't mean to scare you 😜 lol
Resteemed!!!Hey @sircork Its a great step forward partnering with @thealliance. This is good news. We have not talked after @steemcamp event. Thanks for your donation again.
thank you very much!
That was a lot of fun to be a part of last night!! It's good to see great things happening!!!
Thanks for throwing together a special edition broadcast! AND the great edit! <3
To be absolutely fair @sircork you have done an incredible job with @youarehope so far considering you were running it pretty much single handed - along with SteemStar your Witness and everything else! No wonder you never slept.
I think you have selected the perfect team to help push YAH forward and continue the great work it has already achieved. And I am sure that @sircork will always be remembered as the founder and driving force of this incredible block chain based charity.
#thealliance #witness
Thank you for saying so, and thank you for being a shining example of steem yourself!
Great to see you branching out for help, it'll improve YAH
We think so. Here's to a big future!
You have a great project.
Wish you the very best of luck!
Thank you!
Congratulations @sircork, it was a very good strategy to join the alliance, because @youarehope needed a push more to grow, i hope and wish you many sucess in this new stage of your foundation and we will be supporting you!