You've got to understand something.
Every human being is great unique and special. Not because they invented something or they did something great, although that counts too.
But the most important thing is that we are all unique because of having this amazing ability to create everything that we are.
This creative ability, called imagination that every single organism possess in their way is what makes every single one of us unique.
Sadly, we've failed to realize this and we keep chasing after certainty in the future and we tend to call it purpose.
Hence we develop some kind of superstitious beliefs, about Afterlife and having it in mind that the only way we can term ourselves as special or great is until we achieve something bigger than ourselves.
On the contrary, you are unique because that's who you are since the beginning.
You are unique because you are the perceiver - the creator of your world.
You are special because there is a consciousness state of mind in you/awareness of being that's in you, that's bigger than the outward world.
That’s what you've always been ever since you were that tiny zygote in the womb, that has been creating everything...
Every human is unique and different from one another. Not bad to aspire to acquire many things but it is good to be yourself, workhard and appreciate the little you are able to accomplish
@cescajove @ayesha-malik @kemmyb @bluefinstudios @adeleyeadebola