(In English)
Sinuous lines that invite to be walked from one end to the other and in this subtle dance, green, somewhat rigid for being strong but without ceasing to be soft in its walk, communicates, connects, visually and physically a north-south space in the city of Caracas.
Between paragraphs or ideas; who I am in my architectural rigidity and the sinuosity of my feelings, which are embodied in each brushstroke full of passion.
Life, that's right; life itself, led me to stop my art, but not my creative impulse, designing passionately, loving each of my designs, which I enjoyed in an infinite variety of scales that allowed me to feel, observe, decide, approve, reject, over and over again; until I arrived here and stopped, closed my eyes, breathed and felt again fibers that lay dormant inside me, I thought, analyzed and now, in a moment where the future became so uncertain for everyone, where deciding became a priority for many, guillotine for others, but they are decisions that coexist in our daily breathing and go to an uncertain time and place in space, in that space; in which I meet myself and decide to feel again that "mixture of emotions emanating from me like colored lights, flowing sinuously" - and then - decisions arise and then I decide; if I decide to be me again in this time and place, I recover in my memories the lessons received; where I have gone up, I have gone down, I have had, I have lost, I have laughed, I have cried and with everything and so much and so many, I am still here believing, smiling, loving, being so subtly simple but so complex at the same time, faithful defender of justice, peace and honesty that in this life illuminates us and makes us illuminate those who wish to be bathed in lights and colors.
Thus I express my work between my architectural rigidity and the sinuosity of my feelings, which are embodied in each brushstroke full of passion, tenderness, determination, much love patiently tolerant, cradling the hopelessness to awaken reborn fill each spirit of a peerless valuarte "hope and love".
For me it is a pleasure to offer you my colors, from who I am, my name is Erika Carolina Ordóñez Moreno, architect by profession and a passionate artist in every stroke. Physically I am in South America, here you can find me as erikaart.
I wish to meet you.
(En Español)
Sinuosidad de lineas que invitan a ser recorridas de un extremo al otro y en esta danza sutil, verde, algo rigida por ser fuerte pero sin dejar de ser suave en su caminar, comunica, conecta, visual y físicamente un espacio norte-sur en la ciudad de Caracas.
La vida, así es; la vida misma, me llevó a detener mi arte, mas no mi impulso creativo, diseñando apasionadamente, amando cada uno de mis diseños, los que disfruté en una variedad infinita de escalas que me permitieron sentir, observar, decidir, aprobar, rechazar, una y otra vez; hasta que llegué aquí y me detuve, cerré mis ojos, respiré y sentí de nuevo fibras que yacían dormidas dentro de mí, pensé, analicé y ahora, en un momento donde el futuro se volvió tan incierto para todos, dónde decidir se volvió prioridad para muchos, guillotina para otros, pero son decisiones al fin que coexisten en nuestro diario respirar y van hacia un incierto momento y lugar en el espacio, en ese espacio; en el que me encuentro conmigo misma y decido volver a sentir esa “mezcla de emociones emanando de mí como luces de colores, fluyendo sinuosamente” -y entonces- surgen las decisiones y entonces decido; si decido volver a ser yo en éste tiempo y lugar, recobro en mis memorias las lecciones recibidas; donde he subido, he bajado, he tenido, he perdido, he reído, he llorado y con todo y tanto y de tantos, sigo aquí creyendo, sonriendo, amando, siendo tan sutilmente sencilla pero tan compleja a la vez, fiel defensora de la justicia, de la paz y honestidad que en esta vida nos ilumina y hace que iluminemos a los que deseen ser bañados de luces y colores.
Así expreso mi obra entre mi rigidez arquitectónica y la sinuosidad de mis sentimientos, que se plasman en cada pincelada cargada de pasión, ternura, determinación, mucho amor pacientemente tolerante, acunando la desesperanza para que al despertar renacida llene cada espíritu de un valuarte sin par “esperanza y amor”.
Para mi es un placer brindarles mis colores, desde quien soy, mi nombre es Erika Carolina Ordóñez Moreno, arquitecto de profesión y una artista apasionada en cada trazo, físicamente me encuentro en Sur América, por aquí me encuentran como erikaart.
Yo deseo encontrarlos.
Hello @erikaart! This is @indayclara from @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome! However, we would love to see more in your post. Information like who are you and where you're from, how did you discover Hive or who invited you, what types of content you want to see here and the types that you want produce, and what are your expectations in this platform. There's no pressure on this. You can choose on whatever information you would like to share.
As a sample of what an intro post is, you can refer to this intro post for reference:
Let's Rock On for the Second Time Around — Introduction | Kenn
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If you have questions, you can hop into Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions. Feel free to tag me @indayclara for your intro post and use the hashtag #introduceyourself
Excellent, thanks for the advice and I am already reviewing the information you send me here and at the same time working on my second post with all this description and showing who I am, I hope you like it as much as I do to create it and then publish it. I will use the hashtag as well.
Excelente, gracias por los consejos ya estoy revisando la información que me remites aquí y a la par trabajando en mi segundo post con toda esta descripción y mostrando quien soy, espero les agrade tanto como a mi el crearlo y luego publicarlo. Utilizaré los hashtag también. Hello @indayclara thank you very much, I feel very excited to belong to this great family of Hive blog and to start with this my artistic project through the digital platform, I am from Venezuela, architect by profession and artist in studies during my career and heart that is reborn and awakens now with this great opportunity. Hola @indayclara muchas gracias, me siento muy emocionada de pertenecer a esta gran familia de Hive blog y de iniciar con este mi proyecto artistico a traves de la plataforma digital, soy de Venezuela, arquitecto de profesión y artista en estudios durante mi carrera y de corazón que renace y despierta ahora con esta gran oportunidad.
@indayclara thank you very much