New York's smallest bar, can only accommodate two guests

in #york7 years ago

There is a saying that "in the United States, what size one," Who wants to verify the bar in New York, be sure to go to this "Threesome Tollbooth" to see. In this tiny bar, the owner brings out the best cocktails - but only for two guests.

Invitations are sent via email, so written: "tonight at 9 o'clock with an invitation to the iron gate here." To this end, the bartender has sent an address and his cell phone number in Brooklyn and asks the guest to send a text message upon arrival. There is nothing to mark the door except graffiti, and there is no place to write it behind here to be the "toll-booth" - perhaps the smallest and most unique bar in New York. Send a text message, the door will open automatically.

Nathan Austin, known as ND, is an alternative experience bar master. He has opened about 20 so-called "Speakeasies" in Brazil and in places like Iceland, Italy and the United Kingdom, all in secret, or hidden bars, all of which are illegal. The Cairo family, which looks like a restaurant, can not see the wine bottle at all, says: "When the sliver comes, everybody looks like he is drinking tea."

Drinking here is at risk of being fined

"Night Heron" bars are also on the brink of breaking the law, and Austin and his former partner, Ida Benedetto, turn an empty water tower on a rooftop in Manhattan into a bar Up to six weeks. First you have to walk through the dark entrance and the back door, after a period of fire escapes and telescopic ladder to reach here. There is a risk of being fined for coming here - a fine of 80 knives (about 67 euros). Here to buy a pocket watch, next time you can bring two guests. Austin and Ida basically can not find a way out before being investigated.

All of Austin's adventures are for this bistro and, surprisingly, it's his first legal bar. Nevertheless, he was full of brains as he walked through the narrow storage room in an abandoned restaurant, the place he had been dreaming of for years: a bistro with only two guests, the size of a phone booth or Small house like "toll booth".

Austin said: "This bar is what I want." In the original "water heater and broom" wooden room, two guests sitting side by side on a narrow bench. Austin said: "If you're sitting in a seat on an airplane, you're sitting in a kiosk. Tom is waiting for Austen to pour in his first drink and enjoy it for an hour at a cost of around 100 euros per person for all Drink can drink.Photography and use of mobile phones will not work.

Can not find on the map

Talk about the map, talk about drinking: a cup of cool or exciting? Do you want coffee, whiskey or gin? "The menu is ready, but the choice is your own." So Austin and his partner Jesse brew different wines according to their taste. Sometimes he mixes smoked couscous with raspberry vinegar and ginger liqueur, occasionally adding brandy, brandy, basil and thyme syrup to the carrot brandy.

It's unique to come to Austin for a drink, not only because he's a small room with antique tableware and good quality drinks, he's also an interesting companion, and in his own eyes it's a good bartender, "he said Will do according to the recipe, no one can make a great drink, the key is still human. " Austin is also ready to deal with the conflict between guests: "Imagine one of you is happy to come here, the other is not, then you just argue?

Everything is just for fun

For an hour I was with this man from Alaska and his name had nothing to do with Austin, the metropolitan Texas, "jungle, wilderness, grow up in an island lodge." Given his other projects, such as organizing filming in an abandoned sugar factory, or a bizarre newlywed with a band of brass bands in a deserted wedding resort, the next prank probably will appear inside and outside the restaurant.

Austin called himself an "adventure designer," who understood his own special experience as a creative work. He learned from it and grew up to come up with this "toll booth" bar. At the end of the interview, he walked out to the outside through the closet and closed one of New York's most charming bars, leaving only one sentence behind: "Everything is for fun."