Birthday thoughts and messages from the universe...

in #yoga7 years ago

Do not count the years; look at the life you live." -- Unknown


Today I am celebrating my 23rd birthday! However, I can't help but feel a bit nostalgic. I am the kind of person who remembers little details and miscellaneous dates, and I often find myself using those events as time frames that bookend the progress of my life. I see time in relation to those events, and I base things off what I have done since then.

Some things I am more than happy to distance myself from, but others I look back on longingly and wish for those times once more. I feel a sense of sadness knowing yet another year has passed since that time.

Deep down, I find this kind of mindset to be counterintuitive as it often hinders me from appreciating what's already in front of me. That is why this morning, when I woke up to start my day with a guided meditation, I found it surprisingly suitable that the theme was on gratitude and acceptance with where you currently are.

The meditation focused counting your blessings for what you already have in this world, feeling fortunate and thankful for the opportunity you have encountered in your life, for the degree of success you have had in life so far, and being grateful for all you have, even though it is not everything you may want or hope for.

It seemed this message was exactly what I needed to hear... another sign from the universe to simply let things be. Although we count our years numerically, the number is irrelevant. It's not about the time that passes or even the moments we look back on if that hinders us from the present... It's about living each day in a way that we can truly embrace life's opportunities. It's about being happy with where we currently are, even if it's not where we would like to be, sharing the important moments with loved ones and creating memories each day, but never longing to go back.

Each year of our life brings something new. It may not be what we are used to, but it doesn't mean you won't learn and be offered a chance to learn from the experiences presented to you. Simply live and take life as it comes.


Happy birthday!!! Beautiful shot!
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Thanks so much! I will definitely check it out! I appreciate the tip 🙏🏻

Really liked the 5th paragraph :)