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RE: 5 Moves That Will Get You Into Yoga

in #yoga8 years ago (edited)

I didn't mean to be rude, English is not my native language , but yoga for the lazy that will not help here, need to give up calories and be more active in spending it. if this is the case to continue in the same mood in the future the problem will worsen, the girl is beautiful and nice, I would love to do her a massage


Yoga can be done to keep you fit,but that is not the main function.If you want to be fit,then yoga can be a nice supplement,it helps with flexibility and reduces stress levels,lowering your heart rate.
However,yoga is a spiritual path originally,and that is where you can really gain from it.At the very least to use it as a mindfulness practice,and do meditation as well.

physical form is very good,but the spiritual path in a greater degree leads to growth of ego and conceit, we call it enlightened the navel of the earth, there are more best practices in traditional Christianity which really ennoble human