Excellent post @saramiller, I really appreciated reading the first few paragraphs about dealing with people. Even if I don't live in community to the same extent, I do live with people who aren't family and it IS hard if you do it honestly, and harder if you don't! Good to hear others have the willingness to stick it out and courage to be honest...inspires me to reach for more within myself. Thanks!
YES that makes me feel great to hear you're inspired!! Thank YOU @natureofbeing~*~
I find it's totally true that things are way harder if you're not being honest! Seems straightforward enough, but realistically modern society does not encourage us to be honest about almost anything...we are expected to behave "appropriately" and be nice rather than be really real. So even though it's in the highest interest of all to be honest, I don't know many modern humans who actually know how to do that.
Honestly I often feel like I need to unlearn everything I thought I knew and practice a better way of being human. I'm still looking for the master reset button!