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RE: Yoga 2.0 - How Can I Help You?

in #yoga8 years ago

My favorite was always hot yoga in the winter (I live in Canada). I totally fell out of it. I feel the roadblocks are I haven't set up an area in our house for yoga nor the time (cycling is my favorite form of exercise so I would just do that haha). I could definitely use the yoga though :(


I find that when I practice, it's super easy to keep practicing,
and when I don't practice, it's super easy to keep not practicing!

For me, just getting on the mat is often the most "difficult" part. If I've been away from a physical routine for a bit, I will ease back in with maybe 10 minutes of stretching or 5 sun salutations. Anything that feels a little more accessible than 1.5 hours in a hot studio!

Hot yoga is intense! I'm sure you're familiar with how great you feel after a nice sesh. I hope you will find some time and space to return to your mat, even if it's just a few minutes here and there for your mind and soul's sake, @miyurufernanda.

Thanks for your comment!