awesome post - love the yoga history too!
So the question becomes, how is LIFE war? And more importantly, how do we make peace with it?
...constant war with yourself. I think that most religions are metaphorical and should be interpreted that way.
...if people would understand that they are their own god and that they need to overcome themselves first before they can understand others, the world could potentially be a simpler, more peaceful place.
It's easy to be peaceful and zen and shit when everything's going well, isn't it? The real test of character comes when SHTF, when someone or something we don't like or want is happening right in our face - that's when we sometimes lose our cool and let judgments fly like arrows!
#Truth as f*ck
am i hypocrite sometimes? yes. but I'm also human and just striving to be better than who I was yesterday... which leads to...
I was a bit confused by the photo at first and was being slightly judgmental/prejudiced thus was somewhat reluctant to check out this post - but I read it anyway cuz I tend to like your stuff... it proved to be the right move!
Yes I agree humans are in constant internal conflict. It would be awesome for people to embody their innate, sovereign power and get over being all broken and weak already...I believe it's a path to freedom and peace but I understand how difficult it is.Thank you @hrissm!
Thanks for being honest about your reaction to this photo - I really love this shot because it is intentionally yet completely unthreateningly challenging beliefs. I'm glad you were willing to overcome your prejudice and scope the article anyway and also that you found value in it!