Trying to get my heart rate up, breathe stronger and blood flowing.
I've been back on my #yoga for 4 days and doing 10 miles a day on the #eliptical and it's nice having natural endorphins flowing again.
I had a pretty intense #herxheimer reaction a month or so ago. My #lymph glands swelled up after feeling great from intense detoxing not fully understanding my teeth needed to be pulled(sideways growing wisdom tooth into my molar) before #detoxing.
Its been 3 weeks since having my infected teeth removed and I'm finally healing. With the re-incorporation of yoga and #cardio my lymph glands are rapidly shrinking too... Thank God.


How much money you can actually save by bringing the gym equipment into your home it's essentially taking your monthly gym membership and putting it towards equipment that you're gonna own at the end of the term we're gonna head over to px performance comm and check out our home gym calculator this is going to show you how much money you guys can save over the course of a year's time based off a couple different factors the cost of your gym membership per month pay for myself and my significant other which is gonna be $92 per month we only have about a two and a half mile drive to the gym for us the to Natha mile drive takes about five minutes and the average cost of gas or nothing I'm just gonna say the average cost of gas is 225, unfortunately, I Drive a bigger truck so I only get twelve miles to the gallon and I go to the gym about five times per week so based off of these factors I'm looking at saving one thousand three hundred and forty-seven dollars approximately as well as forty-three hours of travel time with the 0% financing I could outfit my garage with a pretty stellar home gym I can essentially just take my monthly gym membership to bring it into my home and own the equipment at the end of the term so check out our 0% financing sale as well as the home gym
That's a lot of savings! I also consider my personal time as valuable. Too much time wasted by driving and chit chat at the gym. So much easier to be dirty and smelly at home after rolling out of bed! Thank you for commenting!
Great inspiration for working out at home because nobody really talks about it. I'm lucky enough to have an eliptical as well. I usually do 35 minutes every other day. Lots of pushups inspired by the #seven77 challenge and longs walks. I'm exactly 2 miles down the street from Santa Monica beach so on good days I'll walk down and see the sunset. Wow now that I write this comment I'm realizing that I really have it made lol.
Drinking up the sunshine before it heads away towards Hawaii? Lol. Yeah I'd love that Santa Monica life too! I see joggers on the Las Vegas Strip all day long... Yuck. The Santa Monica pier however....
My chiropractor Mr. Adams from Sonoma, who was Cali's Main top nerochriopractor(couldn't get a license with out his approval) prescribed the eliptical for my spine... Played HS football growing up trauma to my neck and spine.
10 years later I finally got one😸
I lived in downtown vegas a few years ago. I loved it.
Been here most of my life. So it's not as alluring to me. Glad you enjoyed it!