I invented some new Yoga poses, and altered a few existing ones to adapt them so that they'd be as though they were from the Dragon Age universe. So basically Yoga as it would be in Thedas. I'm going to make a video about it, but in the meantime, if anyone wants to have a look at what they are and try them out, I've got photos of those poses hehe
I say photos, but it's just because I have no scanner to scan my notes. I drew stick figures to depict them, along with write a few notes.
You'll notice that the basic breathing is quite the same, but has a different name, a name more akin to the DA world, Thedas, with its own jargon, i.e.: "Reach for the Breach."
One of the Warrior poses is adapted to fit with the Sword and Shield warriors of Thedas. A bit below, you'll find the two handed weapon warrior too.
I couldn't have Warrios without having Rogues or Mages. So I have the Rogue Squat, which is basically a pose for a rogue with two daggars and of course the Archer. These poses are invented, but inspired by a mix of a few others.
I went for an elemental Mage, a completely invented pose, with a few parts to it.
I adapted the Sun Salutation, chopped it up in parts to simplify it. I've got the "pulling down the Veil" part of it, and then the Downward Dog becomes the Downward Dragon, with legs spread out instead of straight, and so the Cobra becomes the Creeping Corpse.
The Cat pose is still akin to a cat. Sir Pounce-A-Lot, also mentioned in the stretch where we "pick up" Sir Pounce-A-Lot, is a cat from the DA games, a cute ginger cat. So we've got the Ready to Pounce Sir Pounce-A-Lot, the resting or sleeping Sir Pounce-A-Lot, and the curved back Sir Pounce-A-Lot.
Whenever I do Yoga, I like to finish with the Tree Pose, so I simply altered it slightly and went for a new name, Emerald Graves Tree, to fit with all the majestic trees from that ancient Elven forest.
And that's it. When I have the video up on YouTube, I'll share it here too, so that you can see me demonstrate these fun new poses. In the meantime, you can enjoy looking at my notes and my stick figure drawings and if you understand them, go ahead and try these poses. It sure is a fun way to change up your Yoga routine :D
Holy moly that's brilliant :D Now you've inspired me.
(hugs) You're awesome.
Thansk :) The idea sprung to me when I was bored with my usual Yoga routine.
You're welcome ^_^ that really is awesome.
I hope you don't mind me trying out some of your poses, especially for warming up purposes before I train in martial arts.
Absolutely, go ahead. That's what these poses are there for. You'll let me know how if your body enjoyed the new routine.