Yoga and Music - GoYOcean #6: Kick Up the Flow and the Warrior 2 Pose

in #yoga7 years ago

Musical Moments, Time and Yoga


I am big believer in musical moments. Those moments in my life when I had an experience to music that I will never forget. Oftentimes they have been strung together across time like an abstract story that is uniquely my own. About a decade ago, I attended a festival called Lightning in a Bottle in California. I was living in LA, and this festival had spun out of a serious group called the DoLaB that had done some amazing things at Burning Man.

This particular year, it was starting to grow with about 1500 campers for the weekend in the mountains just outside of Santa Barbara. One thing I love about California is that size and space allow for some pretty radical gatherings! The Saturday night headliner for one of the main stages was Breaks DJ Adam Freeland who was in a very good moment at the time. When he came on for his set, he played a track that was so epic and cinematic it glued the moment together in way that really moved me. I was with some new friends (a group of awesome ladies from Whistler in Canada) and we were having quite the time!

I had no idea what that track was. It wasn’t dance music but man, what an intro track.

As fate would have it, about a year later I was back in my hometown for the First Inauguration of President Barack Obama. Whatever your politics, the event was historic. To participate in a week of celebration and to partake in the peaceful handover of power witnessed by 2 million people was something awesome. Everyone collaborated to make the day go off in a peaceful manner. I walked away from that day feeling that elections were not so much about the person being elected, but the people doing the electing. I felt that we all had a duty to try and be the best of what we were and to give our best lives for those who have come before and who will come after.

One of the parties that we went to was hosted by Moby at a gallery in Georgetown (which is a section in Northwest, DC) which was one of several we went to that evening. As I was standing in the back of the crowded, I noticed that Adam Freeland walked in through the front door. I didn’t know him personally but remembered THAT TRACK from a year ago. I went up to him and told him the story and asked him what track he had played. He smiled and said “Dead Can Dance!”.

It felt so cool that fate would let me ask this question. Random, but then again, not random at all...

I am very big Dead Can Dance fan, learning about them through a great friend of mine who is a deep musicologist. After doing some research, I found the track which is “The Host of Seraphim” on the album “The Serpent’s Egg”.

For this Yoga Music Mix - GoYOcean #6, I decided to use that track to start 2018 off in a bold manner. I have made a tracklist of this mix at the end of the article. This mix is designed for a dynamic Vinyasa flow session. Have fun with it.

GoYOcean #6: Kick Up the Flow

/GoYOcean #6.JPG

Virabhadrasan II (Warrior 2 Pose)

For this Mix I have chosen the Warrior 2 pose, known in Sanskrit as Virabhadrasana II.

This pose is exactly what it says it is, a WARRIOR pose. It has power, balance, intent and is a great posture for any Vinyasa practice.
All of the Postures in the Yoga Asanas (the physical practice of yoga) have a mythology to them. Warrior 2 has a great story behind it if you are interested in a deeper dive.

This pose is so many things at once, but is certainly a POWER pose. It commemorates the exploits of a mythical warrior and has imagery of the pose has appeared on coins pre-dating 100 BCE!

It is a common pose, and has many benefits:

  1. Strengthens the abdominal muscles
  2. Increases flexibility in the back and in the legs
  3. Helps tone the leg muscles
  4. Preparation for advance forward bends

    Here are a few video tutorials I found on the pose. Simple but not easy! This is a pose that seems easy to start with, but once you get going, there is a massive world of possibilities and challenges.

    (Thanks to the Yoga Journal for this. Great resource for Yoga Information)

    (Thanks to Tonic Channel for this)

    The Tracklist for GoYOcean #6: Kick Up The Flow

    I’ve already told you the story of the opening track, but I also wanted to highlight the track by Toasty called “Bump”. It was released through a very cool label in London called Circadian Rhythms. This mix starts bold and actually mellows out and gets deeper as it moves along. Get on the mat, make something or just live a little to this mix!

    1. Dead Can Dance: The Host of Seraphim
    2. Toasty: Bump
    3. Bonobo, Innov Gnwa: Bambro Koyo Ganda
    4. Jon Hopkins: Sun Harmonics
    5. Emancipator: Greenland
    6. Todd Baker: Impossible Worlds
    7. Tycho: A Walk
    8. Clubroot: Faith in Her
    9. NK-67: Consistency
    10. Tom Day: Somewhere in October
    11. Alex Kozobolis: If You Came Here To Live (In Memory of Mary Skinner)
    12. Radiohead: True Love Awaits


I am working on adding Yoga to my weekly exercise routine. I usually run everyday 30 minutes to an hour. As I get older I can feel the damage of different sports and especially running has done to different parts of my body. Maybe too much dancing and listening to some good 90's music in college. I really enjoyed this post and my goal by the end of the year is to be able to hold a pose and not feel my whole body shake because of poor core strength! I can't wait to jam out in my yoga poses to these songs! Thanks for a great read!

Lol. Ma'am you sounded funny here "Maybe too much dancing and listening to some good 90's music in college "
You really enjoyed your college days and have good memories of it.
I sure miss the good musics of the 90's.

Well, from my own perceptive, I don't really think the damage of different sports is cos of the dancing and listening to some good music cos you were only have fun and also exercising too.
If you had not danced to the good 90's music, you probably may not have a nostalgic memory of your college days which will make you smile when you remember it and the fun in it.
So I think it's old age not the fun in your college days.

And I must say keep it up in keeping fit everyday, ma'am.

Thanks Udem! Thanks for looking for different perspectives...Yes the 90's were great and by no means do I feel old. Nostalgia is a wonderful gift!

OK. That's a good feeling.

I almost forgot!
Happy to have you back again online after some days cos of your travel.
I guess your journey went fine.

I want to achieve this goal too. Just wondering how long it’ll take for late beginners like ourselves to attain such flexibility and poise.

What an amazing Blog. I’m a total rookie about yoga, but I’ve been doing 10 or 20 min of yoga at night lately. My daughter, who is 8, loves it, and demands yoga as soon as we get home. Once I learn more I will try the sequence. In the meantime I will make sure to listen to the tracks!

Thanks for sharing and I’m totally jealous of the Obama inauguration, how cool to be part of history.

Nice. Music is the only food for the soul.
Sometimes life is about listening to song that tells your story, maybe at the moment or in the past.

Strengthens the abdominal muscles
Increases flexibility in the back and in the legs
Helps tone the leg muscles
Preparation for advance forward bends

Thanks for sharing this too

I haven’t tried yoga yet but music is my thing. Dance, rap, soul, jazz, everything good. Discovering a new genre makes you feel exactly the same Louis Armstrong felt when he walked his first steps on the moon.

Thank you for the Yoga, beautiful music and support on my posts also - really appreciated :D