Most associate yellow with sun, gold and hope for a better future. Therefore, florists often use yellow flowers when composing bouquets. Gamma red, yellow and green - this is the most popular bouquets for an extravagant gift.
If you ask all the same florists who buy bouquets of yellow tulips, you can hear the answer - everyone who loves yellow. And who likes yellow color? Psychologists can answer this question. Adherents of yellow color are active, active, cheerful people who move through life easily, have adequate self-esteem, are easy to climb, optimistic, benevolent, a little adventurous and unpredictable.
What beautiful color dear, ManY thanks for the explanation about the yellow tulips i hope visit holland for enjoy a Lot of this.
It is not nessesory to visit Holland for enjoying the Beaty of yellow tulips 🌷 . This photo was made in Belarus 🇧🇾