I spent my fourth year of marriage with my wife Andrea along with her daughter Caroline who was already older only than by the city transfer I repeated her last year of high school, and things were going through the daily harmony, however there was something that I was disturbing every morning when I woke up feeling the fragrance of Caroline's perfume my stepdaughter who left a smell of smell throughout the house before going to her school. I usually can't see her but the smell of her perfume makes me see even more mentally when a few days ago I found Caroline lying on our bed, a lush hair of curls of light brown hair, then continued to travel her slender young figure of white teas and I found sumptuous breasts which could be seen through the neckline of the nightgown that were collected from each other by the half-fetal pose of Caroline making them see her breasts sufficiently nourished, abundant and at the same time tender. Then I followed meticulously looking at her body and her hips were lush making her look so curvy with a guitar that they only wanted to play her like her bulky thighs that had already upset me by awakening in me a series of lustful feelings that I thought were forgotten in my adolescence. Caroline was already a woman! I was still going through her slender young figure of white teas and I found sumptuous breasts which could be seen through the neckline of the nightgown that were collected from each other by Caroline's fetal half-sided pose making them see her breasts sufficiently nourished, abundant and at the same time tender. Then I followed meticulously looking at her body and her hips were lush making her look so curvy with a guitar that they only wanted to play her like her bulky thighs that had already upset me by awakening in me a series of lustful feelings that I thought were forgotten in my adolescence. Caroline was already a woman! I was still going through her slender young figure of white teas and I found sumptuous breasts which could be seen through the neckline of the nightgown that were collected from each other by Caroline's fetal half-sided pose making them see her breasts sufficiently nourished, abundant and at the same time tender. Then I followed meticulously looking at her body and her hips were lush making her look so curvy with a guitar that they only wanted to play her like her bulky thighs that had already upset me by awakening in me a series of lustful feelings that I thought were forgotten in my adolescence. Caroline was already a woman!
Returning to one of those mornings on my way to the kitchen I saw the room Caroline for a few seconds I wanted to enter but I regretted, then I went to breakfast, I had an orange juice looking to refresh my thoughts but every day it got harder, both I must confess that I had to take viagra to fulfill my marital responsibilities with my wife Andrea which did not make me feel good, so I decided to go to a Psychotherapist who tried to help but was to show her a picture of Caroline to realize that I had a problem because his expression said it all "Uff! That Guapura! ”Referring to my stepdaughter which made things worse and as they say there the remedy came out worse than the disease because for the first time she woke up jealousy in me, but like nothing I could not control for what I went home when I arrived I found my torment Caroline had just arrived from the College was preparing something to eat and very sweet she as I always wonder; [Andres, do you want a slice?] To which I answered affirmatively and while I turned my back to prepare the slices again, I could not help looking at his hip with his white and blue Scottish schoolgirl skirt that reached a little above his knees. to see his big tail and stop that combined very well with his long legs that could actually say that they were legs, then he decides to approach me not only to see closer but morbidly to take the measure and for the first time fantasize how an approach would be behind Caroline, but she gave me a regret and I said;
but where it was most evident was on one occasion when I invited some friends to the house where abusing trust and with a couple of beers on my head my friends looked morbidly at Caroline and without any prudence they told me; [That daughter who has a stepdaughter, Andres, holds up saddling her, doesn't she?] [Gallop that mare] [And she already has a horseman?] And I answered sterile; [Already! Stop the mockery, leave my stepdaughter still] and only responded to me; [So to leave it still, you have to ride it hahahahahaha….] And I was filled with anger that they were really jealous and I responded rudely; [Sons of a bitch, stop the egg or go away] And so I stopped them all, however the words made a dent in my head the next day I went to pick her up at school as I had not done for months, there I found her besieged by some companions who by the way were squalid langarutos but who looked forward to them for my Caroline so that with rage I shouted; [Caroline come on! Let's go!] And on the way I said nothing more, although Caroline was surprised to try to ask me; [Andres is something wrong?] [Why did you come to pick me up?] And trying to hide my jealousy, I answered; [Nothing]. Upon arriving home, my wife also asked; [Why do they come together?] And once again angry I replied to Andrea; [Nothing I can't pick up Caroline?] Then Carolina, obfuscated with my rudeness, climbed into her room and my wife then put me on my waist; [Well Andrés tell me right now what is wrong with you? Because that rudeness with Carolina] and intuitively she answered for me; [Will it be that you are watching Caroline?] [If that is what you have to see that she is already a woman made and right from what I understand you want to take care of but she has to live] Then taking advantage of her argument I apologized and acknowledged my jealousy but what I didn't expect was that my wife Andrea was going to tell Caroline and after a while surprisingly visibly excited she gave me a hug telling me; [Andrés, you are very nice for worrying about me] and I finish giving me a kiss on the cheek that melted me because it was not normal in it because it was sweet because of its shyness but for the same reason I was not affectionate or affectionate with me, but since that day the Things took a more dramatic turn.
but hours later those lustful thoughts returned to such an extent that I became very restless because of the jealousy of imagining that my Caroline would be alone in a house beset by wolves that surely wanted to make her turn around to stalk her and eat her, so it was difficult for me falling asleep and tranquility instead my wife was deeply asleep, I only have the alternative of waiting until my name is telling me; [Andres picks me up, I think I take more] and in seconds I informed Andrea that I was sleepy; [Well love, take care] and I went out to pick up Caroline, when I got in the house because she was not out and indeed a couple of ruffians or companions had besieged her and offering her some drink that she tried to refuse for what I harshly said with authority; then I was going to withdraw sun that Caroline tells me; [Andres, can you kiss me good night?] So I approached and gently kissed her on the cheek as a spoiled child, only that my lips felt her soft peach skin made me see the reality that Carolina was a female and that I deserved to be eaten by kisses, but I just thought about it, I didn't do anything, just let it rest because I couldn't just think about it.
The next day after a long night thinking of Caroline next to my wife that if she slept, I woke up very early to have breakfast at that moment suddenly Carolina appears and tries to scare me by telling me [Buu ...] And with a laugh he greets me telling me [Andres come and help you with the breakfast you want?] then with that smile that lit the room I replied; [Caroline what do you think if we make some eggs with onion and tomato with a couple of slices of banana?] To what she suggested; [Yes rich Andres! But you make the platanitos for me to make some cheese sandwiches] And we got down to work with breakfast, however as the kitchen was small to have Caroline so close I liked it but I was nervous because her white nightgown printed with a flower , she showed her figure and her underwear which was also white, that I could detail when Caroline bent down to get the cheese out of the fridge, the light of it let me see more of the account, in addition, the pose where I practically evidenced the dimension of her fertile tail, which made me think about what she said my friends; [Severe mare hip] and this situation caused me the first involuntary erection, which I had to hide immediately sitting in the dining room but my cock did not calm down, it became more prominent when Caroline also sat down and not only offered me a delicious breakfast but hunger was opened when I saw such fleshy and tender thighs all thanks to the fact that her nightgown was collected when sitting practically serving some legs, which made the cock more motivated and was a very nourished breakfast for the eyes, but in an instant Caroline realized that I was looking at her legs making her uncomfortable a little adjusting her nightgown and covering herself a little more, generating a silence on the table but also a shy laugh from Caroline which caused me to run a cool because I didn't want him to bother me. Then under my wife and as if nothing say hello while Caroline also served her mother's breakfast.
I look into my eyes, getting rid of me and again she had caused a tremendous erection that put me in spite of it; [It can't be Caroline should have felt my cock] but she as if nothing tells me; [Come on, let's play another Andres] and I end up saving my wife Andrea's arrival. When she heard the door, Caroline left the room and went down to my wife, which gave me time to go to the bathroom to lower my erection before I went up and noticed my excitement which would be very embarrassing to explain that even I was impressed by what Caroline had caused, and I thought; [It will be that Caroline went to distract my wife] Well the thing calmed down and the only difficult thing was to look Caroline in the eyes from then on because she didn't want me to think bad about me, nor that I was afraid but that was far from happening incredibly the next morning he came out in a towel to my room to tell me; [Andres passes me a towel] and stutterer replied; [Oootra Cacacaroline] and she with a smile answered me getting more nervous; [If Andrés for the hair] and no words came out, I also didn't know how to control my look, that I wanted to look at his body but I couldn't as I could not hold his gaze to Caroline just wipe the towel and when he retired he discovered me looking at his tail, laughing again he just went to his room to change.
By that time I was filled with fears it was clear that Caroline was aware that I was looking at her with different eyes so I did not know how to act with her, but I decided not to do anything just try to dodge her a little, but I did not know if luck or Caroline did not It made things easier, it was everyday to have compromising situations with her, who did not know if she was a friend, father or man's love, the truth was that she was sweating oil and had a moral problem with my wife and with myself because I did not know if I wanted to My wife or I was in love with Caroline was no longer clear about anything. Until one day after much dodging physical contact with Caroline he saw that he did not want to eat a salad that my wife Andrea had prepared and I refused to have cauliflower, Carolien, who had just arrived from school in her school uniform with confidence in front of my wife Andrea sat on my legs and tells me; [Having Andres a spoonful for my mother] I was surprised and nervous I only received him then he tells me again; [Now one for my Andres] and I tried to refuse with my hand but Caroline grabbed my hand and put it between her legs which made me feel her fleshy thighs, soft skin and the freshness of youth, leaving me stunned agreeing to receive one more spoonful but also caused my cock to be disturbed by becoming very stiff that I thought Caroline was going to be removed immediately but on the contrary with a mischievousness she rearranged herself in my lap to continue giving me spoonfuls while she told her mother; [Mama Andres is eating judiciously] and I paralyzed with the situation just paid attention. After a while he got up, kissing me on the cheek, telling me [Very good Andres] and my wife came over telling me; [I'm glad that Carito has a fatherly figure and that they love each other] Those words not only made me feel bad but also confused me more for what made me go back to Psychotherapist only to change for a female doctor but it was worse because she gave me He said; [She likes to feel wanted like almost all women and must also be confused, they should talk]. [I'm glad that Carito has a fatherly figure and that they love each other] Those words not only made me feel bad but also confused me more for what made me go back to Psychotherapist only to change for a female doctor but it was worse because she gave me He said; [She likes to feel wanted like almost all women and must also be confused, they should talk]. [I'm glad that Carito has a fatherly figure and that they love each other] Those words not only made me feel bad but also confused me more for what made me go back to Psychotherapist only to change for a female doctor but it was worse because she gave me He said; [She likes to feel wanted like almost all women and must also be confused, they should talk].
On the way home I felt as if I was facing the situation and in a way I felt more confused because the doctor did not know how to define me if she was seducing me or just playing with me for being a mature man. When my wife came home half a story that ended up making everything more difficult; [Love, I have to travel immediately because my Father got sick and it is time to take care of him, you will have to stay with Caroline in charge of everything] So as I could not refuse, I could not believe that it was happening to me this was like putting the mouse to take care of the cheese but not there was no choice but we would be alone Caroline and I in the house for a week, but I did not expect Caroline's reaction from the first day she was serious even indifferent making living together more peaceful for me, but on the second day, Caroline came home with a young man named Camilo, about 23 years old, whom I present as her boyfriend, which caused me to run a cool through my body because I thought that would calm the murky waters we were walking in but then at See how Camilo flirted with my stepdaughter Caroline made me jealous that made me disgusted to my room, but seconds later I heard the door had fired her boyfriend Caroline and almost running up to my room to reproach; [Very jealous Andres] And surprised by the question I told him lying to him; [Not because? he is your boyfriend, but as your friend I recommend you to go slow with that young man] And very upset he answered me; [Friend Andres?] And I reiterated; [Yes Friends, are we not?] And very upset knocking on the door of the room left, So I am also worried that I went to see her in her room I was crying because of what I asked her what happened to her to trust me and after insisting for a few moments I wonder what it would be; [Did you have sex with my mom last week?] And I only reacted by asking; [Why do you ask me that?] And then venting he told me; [Because my mother told me that she wanted to have a child with you] To which I did not know what to answer and I said crudely; [Caroline I can't answer that, but she is my wife and I have duties with her and you now have a boyfriend] And I get very irritated; [Andrés, he is not my boyfriend, he just wanted to take revenge on you, but now I am going to sleep with him] And I end up locking himself in the bathroom, ending the conversation I force him to go to my room and leave things like that however Caroline told me restless very restless, because I couldn't bear to imagine that someone else would eat what drove me crazy and that same night when I couldn't sleep I went to his room when I realized that I was asleep I turned on the light, I wanted to see his body so he took off the blankets his nightgown was collected leaving me see his legs that with lusty eyes morbid his thighs to the point that I encouraged to caress them delicately although I wanted to squeeze or bite them but I did not want to wake her up but the more I checked the softness of the skin of Carolina's thighs, the lust that seized me he lost his mind and couldn't take it anymore, firmly grasping her thighs waking her up and while I groped her I told her; [Caroline wish you] and with some abruptness I kept touching her although she tried to stop me telling me; [Andres so not!] I was determined to taste it all,
The next day Caroline had left as usual to study when she got home, with some joy she reproached me as abruptly as I agreed to her, but the truth did not pay much attention rather I saw an opportunity to appropriate again her body only that now in pint of Schoolgirl and without more words I took it by force again despite the fact that as an arisca mare he resisted but then ended up giving in and so it was from there on every time he offered himself while Caroline always ended up pleasing me I don't know, because he liked it or because it was simply tamed.
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