We are reaching all time highs in crypto minute by minute. Sadly my two largest investments are no where to be found.
Sadly I bought in on etn at .12 and bought some of my XVG at .27
good grief. I was successfully able to pick the worst of 1300 coins and dump all my money into them at the worst time.
It will change man. Trust me verge will move way past your .27cent possibly triple that. Im very bullish on verge. No nothing about etn im afraid.
thanks for the kind words sir
its already rebounding slowly itll be a winner
got in at .02 on tron
i was scared that was too much
Never buy in All time high.
Buy in the dip and hold...
had you seen ada trx and others, some times it hard to gauge where the dip is, because it keep going up and up and up