XRP & Ripple - Most Comprehensive Fundamental Analysis , Price Predictions & Myths Debunked ! 2018

in #xrp7 years ago

XRP and Ripple are often used interchangeably and often confused to be the same. - This is not really true!

Ripple is the Payment Company that targets Banks for its Cross-border Payment and real-time settlement Solutions and software.
It happens to Use XRP, which is a digital Asset for one of its top Software solution - Xrapid.

XRP is one of the most misunderstood coin/asset in crypto World. Its often criticised for being centralized. however, it is not completely true. Just like most Banking projects XRP was initially focused towards Security and scalability rather than decentralization, it Now, however, has started to achieve decentralization in a phased manner.
Ripple is trying to make the XRP ledger more decentralized than Bitcoin currently is.

XRP is one of the few cryptocurrency, which has a real life used case and is currently being used. there is a major problem that XRP is solving today - the scope will only improve thereby increasing the value of the tokens.

Check out our video for in-depth analysis on XRP token and Ripple as a company.

Check out some of our reference materials!

Decentralisation Plan - https://ripple.com/dev-blog/decentralization-strategy-update/ Validator Nodes - https://xrpcharts.ripple.com/#/validators XRP charts - https://xrpcharts.ripple.com/

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