
I suspected that this was the case - with all of these moving parts on a global scale, it's only natural that the plan would see delays. To expect that the timeline would line up with an anonymous insider's prediction 10 months ago, or even worse match a chart on some cartoon bear's teeth, was pretty naive. The gloating and bickering over "no 589" on social media needs to stop!

Kendra, in your earlier posts you described a future where the Lumen would be the global currency, and XRP digital gold. Have plans changed now, with the arrangement above the new paradigm?

From reading your cryptocurrency posts, you also don't seem to be invested in the Lumen. If the future is "bright" for XLM, shouldn't we be accumulating as many as possible?

Thanks again for your posts, they're always thought-provoking and lead me to dig deeper below the surface.


Will IOTA have bigger % gain than XRP?


This interests me could you explain further? please

Kendra, thank you for your posts. I have few questions for you (if you dont mind).

What are your price predictions for BTC and XRP in the small (eoy 2019) and long term period (2030)?

Do XRP realy need higher price to be liquidity provider? What do you think about codius?