Third wheel to the main chick!

in #wylschallenge7 years ago


Warning: this isn't your typical love story.

My love story is totally different from the clichè one you know.

I went from being a third wheel to the main chick. And this is how it all happened...

It all started at school when we were in year 12. Most times,you find people glowing up already at that time. The girls in my class where all very pretty,they had figure 8 etc. Then i was there, i wear glasses so i didnt look at attractive as the others. This girls literally go to the gym to stay in shape while i stay at home to get out of shape. Literally, i was a food monger and i hated working out. My best friend would always tell me to join the gym so that i can be as attractive but i always used to tell her that someone that is meant for me will love me just the way i am. Thats basically loving a potatoe.

Then i had a male bestfriend. He was very attractive and all the girls in my set were always doing stupid,weird things to get his attention. But to me,he was just a normal tall,brown-skinned boy. I didnt really know what was so special about him until one day...

His favourite sport was basketball. He wasnt like the majority that loved football instead. He always stays after school to train with his team mates while i stay and wait for him so that we can go home together(we weren't neighbours but he was just 2 streets away from mine). I was a goal when it came to friendship. I would wait for him everyday after school,i would set a study time table for us during exam periods,i would even bring snacks for us sometimes. Everybody admired our friendship but the girls that had a crush on him were so jealous of me because i was with him almost all the time. He trusted me alot so he would always tell me his secrets and ask for my advice which i would gladly give.

Slowly slowly,i began to have a crush on him as well but he didnt know. I started to notice what others girls loved about him. He was funny,he was very handsome,he was caring and he was tall(girls love tall boys). Every single day that passes by,my love for him kept increasing. My female bestfriend said i should let him know maybe he would feel the same about me. So on a blessed tuesday ,i decided i will tell him on our way back home. So before their basketball training started,he came to me and told me that he wanted to tell me something. My heart started pounding. I became very nervous and restless.

Did he feel the same way about me?

Was he going to tell me he had a crush on me as well?

I just decided to wait and hear what he was going to say.

On our way back home. I reminded him that he said he was going to tell me something. Then i realised that he became nervous as well. Were my prediction correct?? So we decided to sit inside a park nearby the school and talk about it. After a few minutes of silence,he spoke out.

"I asked meena out today and she said yes and we would be going on a date this saturday."

You fucking whatttttt!??!??

I didnt know how to think again. I was sad,angry,confused and disappointed.

I was heartbroken

The one i loved now belongs to someone else.

But why meena?

If meena was made up of exam grades,her appearance would be A1 but her attitude would be F9. I dont know how he would love someone like her. Meena was attractive ,i agree but she was rude, soo inconsiderate and so annoying.

So he begged me to follow them on their date on saturday. Wow,i was going to third wheel. I really loved him and i couldnt tell him no so i just agreed.
It was going to be the worst day of my life(i thought)

Fast forward to the date...
We arrived at the restaurant and we were waiting for meena. Finally,she arrived. I must say i was quite jealous about how she looked. She had this red dress on that showed off her curves and she had her makeup on and her hair was done. She looked very pretty.

When she arrived at the table,she started giving me glares that i didnt understand. Then she asked him why he bought me here..with a disgusted voice. I was already getting angry but i decided not to show it to her. I wanted to lowkey strangle her. So after eating,they started talking all romantic and stuff. I was paining me so i decided to play with my phone. Just then,this lil bitch was like i should give them so privacy and leave the table. Helloooo, you cant make me leave. So i told her that i wasnt leaving and she couldnt make me as well. Then he also said that i wont leave.

Meena got angry and started shouting and blabbering that she knew i loved him and he also wanted to cheat on her. So out of anger,i didnt know when i said "yes,i love him and there is nothing you can do about it". They both just turned and were staring at me. Meena got very furious and she stood up and tried to slap me when he held her hand. He told her that she shouldnt dare lay a hand on his bestfriend(thats meee)or else she would see the other side of him. Meena kept shouting nonsense and ended things between them before she left.

I felt really bad so i started crying and i left outside and ran to the back which was like a mini park and sat on the bench. Then a few minutes,he came to me and started comforting me that it wasnt my fault and thanked God she even broke up with him because she had a bad attitude and he couldnt be with someone like her. So i hugged him and we stayed like that for about a minute or two in silence. Just enjoying each others company.

When we were about to leave,he asked me if i meant what i said earlier so i told me everything and how i felt towards him and stuff..i didnt even finish when he just leaned in and kissed me. Then he said he loved me.

I was so happy. I found love in the most awkward way but it was the best feeling ever!! The following week,he asked me out and boom,we became a thing.(p.s we were trending in the school,from best friends to couple of the year,lol)

And that it my love story. From a third wheel to the main chick! And i am glad i third wheeled.




Beautifully romantic....😍😍😍