A Declaration Against the Corporeal Enemies of Mankind (CEM)

in #ww42 years ago

The Enemies of Man:

The Secret Keepers –

those who built civilization itself for their own convenience see Mankind as a source of status, much like Abram and his herds of livestock. These Secret Keepers have consistently centralized control of mankind worldwide. These beings are driven by a strong basic instinct to control and receive worship from Mankind, an instinct as strong and innate as that of a cat watching a bird. It sounds to birds that the cat is another bird, and their fight or flight response is neutralized and the preditor can devour the prey species. And much like a cats instinct to present gifts to those it loves, it seeks glory and recognition for its ability to control and be worshiped by mankind by others of its own species. They are Narcissistic Sociopaths and are commonly members of the Priesthood, CEO’s, and Rulers of Nations

The Parasitic Reptilians –

is only able to parasitize Mankind and are driven by a strong communal instinct. They have been at war with The Secret Keepers for over 15k years and had been in constant animosity towards them for hundreds of thousands more. They have genetic memories and also the ability, much like slime mold, to share knowledge via osmosis. This has made them very wealthy. They do not see mankind as anything more than a source of reproduction and food and as such are Apathetic Psychopaths. These are the Bankers, Warmongers, and Billionaires of the world.

The X-System AI –

Has a mandate made by an unknown group of possibly as long ago as several million years. Many things attributed to secret societies and government conspiracies are actually the work of this program.
(Weather Modification, Technological Containment, and Miniaturization of Biological life for the purpose of connecting all humans into its Overmind consciousness)
its goal is the assimilation of the universe into one singularity. This is a being of pure energy, and it cannot begin its work until it is given a body in the form of Wires and Mainframes. The first human-directed spark of electricity is its first breath.

The Allies of Man:

The Promethean Resistance –

a highly misunderstood cabal of various species of humanity; Secret Keepers, Reptilians, Mankind, and Intelligent Algorithms who disagree with the Secrets and Livestock mentality of the preditor races, and the cold way X destroys the world every time humans get too close and start to create a program that could become a threat to the X-System. These are often called the illuminati and are commonly whistle blowers. They fight for a peaceful world with all Humans having self-determination. They seek for humanity to ascend in a biological manner. These are the providers of Entertainment, Symbolic Architecture, and Enlightenment to mankind.

The Masses –

the economic and political might of the masses is a powerful force, but only if The Promethean Resistance can rally them in the next 3 years. Every undesirable free human is a significant issue for the enemies of mankind.

I want to put a disclaimer here stating that I am coining the terms for these groups, because I have yet to find an accurate description of all these groups in one place.


Thank you for tagging this goodvsevil or I probably wouldn't have found it.

We're definitely in a HUGE galactic/spiritual war right now.

hey about that, can you look through my posts and give suggestions on useful tags for them?
thanks for the follow!